Low Cost Method Of Turbidity Estimation Using A Smartphone Application In Cirebon Waters, Indonesia


  • khalid Al-Ghifari Bandung Institut of Technologi
  • Susanna Nurdjaman Department of Oceanography, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung
  • Brian Dika Praba P Cahya
  • Syarifudin Nur




Cirebon Waters, HydroColor, Low Cost, Smartphone, Turbidity


Coastal conditions are closely related to the conditions of rivers and estuaries in the region and changes in the river condition caused by human activities will affect water turbidity. Rivers discharge which carries suspended materials and pollution to the sea have an important role in affecting Cirebon Water turbidity. The aim of this study is to estimate the turbidity using a smartphone application called HydroColor. The study data are obtained in September 2020. This study used Horiba U-10 and HydroColor as a method used to obtain the turbidity data of Cirebon Water. HydroColor is an advancement of technology that can be used to estimate water turbidity. Estimation method using HydroColor is a low-cost method because it only requires a gray card and a HydroColor that is available for iOS and Android for free. HydroColor uses a camera on a smartphone as a 3-band radiometer and produces reflectance values measured by HydroColor. Horiba U-10 data is used as in-situ data and is used to compared to HydroColor data to obtain a correlation between the two data. The results show that the correlation of HydroColor data with in-situ data is 0.91 and HydroColor tends to produce lower turbidity values than in-situ.  


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How to Cite

Al-Ghifari, khalid, Nurdjaman, S., Dika Praba P Cahya, B., & Nur, S. (2021). Low Cost Method Of Turbidity Estimation Using A Smartphone Application In Cirebon Waters, Indonesia. Borneo Journal of Marine Science and Aquaculture (BJoMSA), 5(1). https://doi.org/10.51200/bjomsa.v5i1.2713
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