Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Turath Antara - Bidang 2024-06-30T00:00:00+08:00 Open Journal Systems THE ETIQUETTES OF DIALOGUE IN SEEKING KNOWLEDGE THROUGH THE STORY OF MOSES A.S. AND AL-KHIDR IN SURAH AL-KAHF 2024-06-28T15:29:51+08:00 Kauthar Abd Kadir Mesbahul Hoque Abdulloh Salaeh <p>Surah Al-Kahf represents one of the important examples in the pedagogical approach, and among the etiquettes of Surah Al-Kahf is the learner accompanying the scholar, and the follower accompanying the follower. The etiquettes of the scholar and the learner therein bless the act of following, as the verses of the Surah illustrate these etiquettes through clear situations in its narrative context. The study aims to uncover the etiquettes of dialogue in seeking knowledge through the dialogue between Moses (peace be upon him) and Al-Khidr, derived from Surah Al-Kahf. The study utilized the inductive and descriptive methods. The study addressed several key points, namely: first, the importance of dialogue. Second, dialogue in Surah Al-Kahf: where Quranic stories dominate in Surah Al-Kahf. Third, the etiquettes of dialogue in Surah Al-Kahf, including: gentleness in dialogue, returning knowledge to Allah, good listening, choosing appropriate words, and showing empathy towards interlocutors. The study concluded by highlighting the most significant findings, including considering the Quran as a source of etiquettes in nurturing a generation capable of accepting and coexisting with others in a multicultural society. Surah Al-Kahf, among the chapters of the Quran, encapsulates many etiquettes of dialogue that must be cultivated and activated in education and upbringing.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Turath Antara - Bidang DEVELOPING FUTURE LEADERS: TEACHING ISLAMIC LEADERSHIP SKILLS IN SCHOOLS 2024-06-28T18:54:24+08:00 Masnih Mustapa Khairul Azwani Ahinin <p>This article discusses the importance of providing Islamic leadership education in schools to nurture a generation of competent future Muslim leaders. Research shows the need to integrate values-based leadership skills and Islamic teachings into the school curriculum. Key emphases include emulating the leadership qualities of Prophets, organizing leadership training activities, and giving students opportunities to practice communication, management, and teamwork skills. Cultivating a leadership mindset from a young age is crucial to developing morally grounded Muslim leaders who are visionary, community-oriented, and prepared to undertake responsibilities to advance the ummah. A holistic educational approach can ensure that Muslim students are equipped with leadership abilities and Islamic values to serve as excellent leaders in the future.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Turath Antara - Bidang THE PALESTINE ISSUE: WHY THE UNITED NATIONS REFUSED TO ACCEPT AS A UNITED NATIONS MEMBER AND AS A NATION STATE? 2024-06-29T14:44:53+08:00 Mohd. Noor Mat Yazid Sharija Che Shaari <p><strong>ABSTRACT </strong>This paper explores the Palestine issue from the international law and international politics. Why the United Nations Organization refused to accept Palestine as a United Nations Member and recognized Palestine as a nation state in the international political structure? The Article 4(1) and Article 4(2) of the United Nations Charter would be applied in discussing of the Palestine issue. Article 4(1) stated that “ Membership in the United Nations is open to all other peace-loving states which accept the obligations contained in the present Charter and, in the judgement of the Organization, are able and willing to carry out these obligation,” Article 4(2) stated that, “The admission of any such state to membership in the United Nations will be affected by a decision of the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council.” The main problem that embroils Palestine to be recognized as a state and admitted as a member in the United Nations due to the recommendation from Security Council as stated in the Article 4(2) of the United Nations Charter. The United States always objects the Resolutions passed by the General Assembly. The United States uses the veto power to veto the Palestine admission. This study concludes that the failure of the Palestine to be admitted as a United Nations member and recognized as a state was due to the geo-political factors.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Turath Antara - Bidang HUKUM KERJAYA JURUGAMBAR PERKAHWINAN 2024-06-29T15:34:39+08:00 Muhammad Afiq, N. A Mohamad Rizal, M. N. <p class="AbstractAbstrak"><strong><span lang="EN-US">ABSTRAK </span></strong>Kerjaya jurugambar perkahwinan merupakan satu profesi yang dianggap penting oleh masyarakat kini bagi merakam detik kenangan indah sewaktu menjadi raja sehari. Akan tetapi, berdasarkan realiti yang berlaku pada hari ini, terdapat ramai jurugambar yang mengabaikan soal halal dan haram dalam menjana pendapatan yang berkat demi menyara kehidupan. Kajian ini dijalankan bertujuan membincangkan isu dan permasalahan yang wujud dalam kerjaya sebagai jurugambar perkahwinan. Kajian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan membuat kajian kepustakaan. Pengkaji juga menemu bual beberapa pakar dalam bidang agama untuk mendapatkan jawapan terhadap isu yang dikaji. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa harus hukumnya menerima upah sebagai jurugambar perkahwinan. Namun, keharusan tersebut boleh berubah kepada syubhah sekiranya bercampur dengan perkara yang haram seperti terdapat subjek yang mendedahkan aurat, gaya yang terlarang dan sebagainya. Kesimpulannya, pengkaji berharap bahawa kajian ini dapat memberi penjelasan kepada masyarakat serta jurugambar khususnya dalam menerapkan soal keberkatan dalam rezeki yang diperoleh.</p> <p><strong>ABSTRACT </strong>The career of wedding photography is considered significant by society today in capturing beautiful moments during one's special day as the bride and groom. However, based on current realities, many photographers neglect the issues of halal (permissible) and haram (forbidden) in their pursuit of income to sustain their livelihoods. This study aims to discuss the issues and challenges existing in the profession of wedding photography. Employing a qualitative method through a literature review, the study also includes interviews with several religious experts to address the issues under scrutiny. The research findings indicate that it is generally permissible to earn a livelihood as a wedding photographer. However, this permissibility can become doubtful (syubhah) if it involves activities mixed with forbidden matters such as exposure of 'awrah (intimate parts), prohibited styles, and the like. In conclusion, the researcher hopes that this study provides clarification to the public and photographers, specifically in adhering to the concept of blessing in the income they earn.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Turath Antara - Bidang ANALYZING WAQIF INTENTIONS IN FOOD SECURITY WAQF 2024-06-29T15:48:26+08:00 Mastura binti Baharuddin Mohamad I’sa bin Abd Jalil <p><strong>ABSTRACT </strong>The increase in the population in developing countries, specifically Malaysia, poses a hazard to food security. This study interest lies to observe the prospects for food security of rice as Malaysia’s staple food. Malaysia has been producing insufficient rice in ten years back and over a quarter of the needs of rice in Malaysia is fulfil by imported rice. Few studies have recommended to widely implement waqf for food security purposes in Malaysia. Thus, this study aims to determine the factors that could influence the intention of waqif to contribute in waqf for food security purposes. This study is deductive research and quantitative research. The finding shows that moral norms, personal responsibility, social norms, and normative beliefs has influenced the intention of waqif to contribute waqf. This study aims to add literature on the factors that could influence waqif’s intention to contribute waqf for food security purposes in Malaysia.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Turath Antara - Bidang HUBUNGAN KEMAHIRAN DAN KESEDIAAN GURU TERHADAP AMALAN PEDAGOGI RESPONSIF BUDAYA DALAM KALANGAN GURU PENDIDIKAN ISLAM 2024-06-29T15:59:06+08:00 Abdul Said Ambotang Nur Kholisatun Budi Syharul Nizam Salam <p class="Isi"><span lang="EN-US"><strong>ABSTRAK</strong> Kajian kuantitatif jenis tinjauan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji hubungan antara kemahiran guru dan kesediaan guru Pendidikan Islam terhadap amalan pedagogi responsif budaya di sekolah daerah Lahad Datu, Sabah. Seramai 99 orang guru Pendidikan Islam sekolah rendah di daerah Lahad Datu terpilih sebagai responden kajian. Proses pengumpulan data adalah menggunakan borang soal selidik yang mengandungi 25 item. Statistik deskriptif dan statistik inferensi digunakan untuk menganalisis data menggunakan <em>The Statistical Package for the Social Science</em>. Nilai Alpha Cronbach bagi soal selidik kemahiran guru dan kesediaan guru masing-masing ialah 0.94 dan 0.92 dan amalan pedagogi responsif budaya ialah 0.96. Hasil kajian secara statistik deskripitf mendapati bahawa kemahiran guru dan kesediaan guru pada tahap yang tinggi. Bahkan amalan pedagogi responsif budaya juga pada tahap yang tinggi iaitu masing-masing dengan nilai min 4.385 (SP=0.582) bagi aspek kemahiran guru, 4.392 (SP=0.523) bagi aspek kesediaan guru dan amalan pedagogi responsif budaya mencatatkan nilai min 4.364 (SP=0.547). Selain itu, hasil ujian-t mendapati bahawa tidak terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan antara amalan pedagogi responsif budaya dalam kalangan guru berdasarkan jantina (t=0.894, tahap signifikan=0.974, aras signifikan p</span><span lang="EN-US" style="font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif;">˂</span><span lang="EN-US">0.05). Keputusan ujian ANOVA sehala menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbezaan amalan pedagogi responsif budaya berdasarkan opsyen (F=1.79, P=.139). Hasil ujian kolerasi Pearson Moment mendapati bahawa kedua-dua pemboleh ubah iaitu kemahiran guru dan kesediaan guru mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan dengan amalan pedagogi responsif budaya. Terdapat hubungan yang kuat dan signifikan antara kemahiran guru (r=.82, p</span><span lang="EN-US" style="font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif;">˂</span><span lang="EN-US">0.05) dan kesediaan guru (r=.71, p</span><span lang="EN-US" style="font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif;">˂</span><span lang="EN-US">0.05) dengan amalan pedagogi responsif budaya. Hal ini menunjukkan bahawa guru pendidikan Islam mempunyai kemahiran dan kesediaan yang baik dapat melaksanakan amalan pedagogi responsif budaya dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran dengan berkesan.</span></p> <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong> This quantitative survey type study aims to examine the relationship between teacher skills and the readiness of Islamic Education teachers towards culturally responsive pedagogical practices in schools in the district of Lahad Datu, Sabah. A total of 99 primary school Islamic Education teachers in Lahad Datu district were selected as study respondents. The data collection process is using a questionnaire that contains 25 items. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data using The Statistical Package for the Social Science. Alpha Cronbach for the questionnaire of teacher skills and teacher readiness are 0.94 and 0.92 respectively and culturally responsive pedagogical practice is 0.96. The results of the descriptive statistical study found that teacher skills and teacher readiness are at a high level. In fact, culturally responsive pedagogy practices are also at a high level, each with a mean value of 4.385 (SP=0.582) for the teacher's skill aspect, 4.392 (SP=0.523) for the teacher's readiness aspect and culturally responsive pedagogy practices recorded a mean value of 4.364 (SP= 0.547). In addition, the results of the t-test found that there is no significant difference between culturally responsive pedagogical practices among teachers based on gender (t=0.894, significance level=0.974, significance level p˂0.05). The results of the one-way ANOVA test show that there is no difference in culturally responsive pedagogical practices based on the option (F=1.79, P=.139). The results of the Pearson Moment correlation test found that both variables namely teacher skills and teacher readiness have a significant relationship with culturally responsive pedagogical practices. There is a strong and significant relationship between teacher skills (r=.82, p˂0.05) and teacher readiness (r=.71, p˂0.05) with culturally responsive pedagogical practices. This shows that Islamic education teachers have good skills and willingness to implement culturally responsive pedagogical practices in teaching and learning effectively.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Turath Antara - Bidang ANALISIS PENSEJARAHAN KARYA KRITIKAN HASAN KÂFÎ TERHADAP PENTADBIRAN TENTERA TURKI OSMANLI BERMULA ABAD KE 16 HINGGA AWAL KE 17 DAN PENGENALAN KONSEP JIHAD ULAMA BOSNIA ERA PERTENGAHAN 2024-06-29T16:27:26+08:00 Amer Hudhaifah bin Hamzah <p><strong>Abstrak </strong>Jihad merupakan aktiviti paling aktif yang dijalankan kerajaan Turki Osmanlı sebagai kaedah dakwah terutama sekali di wilayah-wilayah Kristian di benua Eropah. Tetapi, beberapa sultan Osmanlı dikaburi kemewahan dunia setelah berjaya menakluk kota <em>Constantinople</em> pada 1453. Hal ini mengundang kritikan dari ulama Bosnia, Hasan Kâfî el-Akhisârî. Justeru penelitian bertujuan menganalisis kritikan beliau terhadap aspek ketenteraan kerajaan Osmanlı menerusi kitab <em>Usul al-Hikam fi Nizam al-<sup>c</sup>Alam</em>. Kajian ini berbentuk deskriptif dan dianalisis secara kualitatif. Tahapan-tahapan kajian boleh diringkaskan seperti berikut: 1) pembacaan teks karya, 2) menyorot aspek-aspek penting, dan 3) membandingkannya dengan rujukan utama sejarah Osmanlı. Hasilnya, dapat difahami jihad dan pentadbiran tentera bagi Hasan Kâfî merupakan manifestasi penghayatan ayat-ayat suci al-Qur’an, al-Sunnah dan ungkapan hikmah. Jihad bertujuan merealisasikan keadilan sejagat. Menerusi sistem jihad, sultan diberi mandat ilahi sebagai <em>Nizam al-<sup>c</sup>Alam</em>. Tetapi kepincangan yang terjadi pada 1595 menunjukkan wujudnya kelemahan dalam institusi pentadbiran kerajaan. Aspek ketenteraan, Hasan Kâfî menekankan kepentingan pemantauan kesiapsiagaan tentera secara berkala. Perkembangan teknologi persenjataan musuh perlu disaingi bagi mengelakkan tentera Islam ketinggalan dalam menggunakan senjata moden. Jika sultan memasuki medan tempur, baginda seharusnya tidak meninggalkan panji selain perlu berstrategi mengaburi pihak musuh. Pemimpin tentera harus sentiasa memupuk sifat sabar, teguh dan berani dalam hati anggotanya. Hasan Kâfî sangat menekankan soal iman sebagai faktor kejayaan kerana beliau melihat kemenangan (الظفر) berkait rapat dengan pertolongan dari Allah s.w.t. Justeru beliau menjadikan teras keduanya adalah kebaikan (الصلاح) dan ketakwaan (التقوى). Sebaliknya keingkaran (العصيان) dan melampaui batas (البغي) diletakkan sebagai faktor kegagalan. Beliau juga mengatakan gencatan senjata adalah baik dan memerangi orang yang meminta perlindungan adalah suatu kesalahan terbesar seorang ketua tentera.</p> <p><strong>Abstract </strong>Jihad was the most active endeavor conducted by the Ottoman Turkish government as a method of proselytization, particularly in the Christian territories of Europe. However, several Ottoman sultans became enamored with worldly luxuries after successfully conquering the city of Constantinople in 1453. This invited criticism from Bosnian scholar Hasan Kâfî el-Akhisârî. Therefore, this study aims to analyze his critique of the Ottoman military aspects through his work Usul al-Hikam fi Nizam al-<sup>c</sup>Alam. The study is descriptive in nature and analyzed qualitatively. The stages of the study can be summarized as follows: 1) reading the text of the work, 2) highlighting important aspects, and 3) comparing them with the main references of Ottoman history. As a result, it is understood that, for Hasan Kâfî, jihad and military administration were manifestations of the teachings of the holy verses of the Qur'an, the Sunnah, and wise sayings. Jihad aimed to realize universal justice. Through the system of jihad, the sultan was given divine mandate as Nizam al-<sup>c</sup>Alam. However, the disarray that occurred in 1595 indicated weaknesses within the government administration. Regarding military aspects, Hasan Kâfî emphasized the importance of periodic monitoring of military readiness. He argued that the development of enemy weapon technology must be matched to prevent Islamic armies from falling behind in using modern weaponry. If the sultan entered the battlefield, he should not leave his banner and must strategize to deceive the enemy. Military leaders should constantly foster patience, steadfastness, and bravery in the hearts of their soldiers. Hasan Kâfî placed significant emphasis on faith as a factor of success, believing that victory (الظفر) was closely tied to the help of Allah S.W.T. Therefore, he considered that the core principles were goodness (الصلاح) and piety (التقوى). Conversely, disobedience (العصيان) and transgression (البغي) were seen as factors of failure. He also stated that a ceasefire was good and that fighting those seeking refuge was one of the greatest errors a military leader could commit.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Turath Antara - Bidang REPETITION OF SPIRITUAL MANTRA MEDITATION: A REVIEW 2024-06-29T16:42:47+08:00 Rozeeda Kadri <p class="AbstractAbstrak"><strong><span lang="EN-US">Abstract </span></strong>Introduction: Studies on spiritual mantra meditation represent a growing field. Objectives: This review paper aims on several repetitions of spiritual mantra meditation including the practices and its effect on health. Methods: The selected papers were searched by using PubMed and Scopus databases from 2007-2017. The terms used were ‘mantra’, ‘chanting’, ‘religious chanting’, ‘zikr’ or ‘dhikr’ and other relevant terms. Result: Twenty-six original papers consist of several spiritual mantra meditations were identified; OM chanting, Gayatri mantra, Dhikr (remembrance of Allah), Kirtan Kriya and Mantram Repetition Program (MRP). The vast majority of studies were quantitative intervention study, 4 observational studies, 2 comparative study and qualitative study and a case study. Among the 26 papers that met the criteria, 84 percent (%) papers gave positive results on the outcomes in various domains and 12% and 4% did not show particular result and mixed results respectively. Discussion: New mantra meditation such as MRP and dhikr were found in this review. The participants covered for this study majority from healthy individuals, cancer patient, Post Traumatic Syndrome Disorder (PTSD), chronic kidney disease (CKD) and patient undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery.&nbsp; However, a definite conclusion cannot be drawn. Conclusion: Spiritual mantra meditation has positive impact in physical and mental health. Future study on the ability and feasibility of repetition of spiritual mantra meditation need to be explored.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Turath Antara - Bidang FASILAH DALAM SURAH AL-ASR DAN AL-KAUTHAR: PENELITIAN DARI ASPEK FONETIK DAN PRAGMATIK 2024-06-29T16:56:37+08:00 Issraq b. Ramli Zaharom Ridzwan <p><strong>ABSTRAK </strong><em>Fa</em><em>ṣ</em><em>ilah</em> Quran merupakan salah satu dari i’jaz Quran yang mewarnai kecantikan struktur ayat dan surah dalam al-Quran. <em>Fasilah</em> merupakan kedudukan bunyi akhir dalam sesuatu kalimah seperti rima dalam sajak. Setengah surah mempunyai <em>fasilah</em> yang berbeza-beza. Standard <em>fasilah </em>adalah berbeza setiap ayat dan surah berdasarkan panjang surah dan kedudukan surah. Surah <em>al-A</em><em>ṣ</em><em>r</em> dan <em>al-Kauthar</em> mempunyai <em>fasilah </em>yang sama dengan penghujung huruf <em>Rā’ atau fonem /r/. </em>Artikel ini menjelaskan bagaimana <em>fasilah </em>bukan sekadar memperindahkan hujung setiap ayat yang serata tapi juga memberikan impak kepada makna suatu ayat dan surah. Huruf <em>Ra’ </em>mempunyai sifat yang tersendiri berbanding dengan huruf-huruf yang lain. Huruf Ra’ mempunyai satu sifat yang tidak dimiliki oleh huruf yang lain iaitu sifat ulangan (<em>al-Takrir</em>). Di sebalik sifat ulangan dalam dua surah itu, terdapat kaitan makna bagi setiap perkataan yang diakhiri dengan huruf <em>Rā’.</em> Kajian mendapati peranan huruf <em>ra’</em> dalam pragmatik dua surah itu membawa maksud yang sangat signifikan bersesuaian dengan sifat huruf bagi kata yang yg dipilih dalam setiap ayat pertama, kedua, ketiga dalam kedua-dua surah.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Turath Antara - Bidang ISLAM AND PSYCHOLOGY: THE ISLAMIZATION OF MODERN PSYCHOLOGY 2024-06-29T18:25:33+08:00 Mohd Dahlan Abdul Malek <p><strong>ABSTRACT </strong>The majority of Muslim scholars concerned with the plight of the Muslim community (Ummah) have been deeply involved with the concept of Islamization of knowledge which gained momentum in the 80s as a result of the global consciousness for the "resurgence of Islam" in the 70s. Several phrases have been used to interpret this concept, such as the "Islamization of knowledge" and "Islamization of contemporary or present-day knowledge." However, the term "Islamization of knowledge" is, to a certain extent, misleading because it gives the connotation that all knowledge, including traditional Islamic knowledge, was developed by Muslim scholars over the millennium ad based on the Qur'an and the Sunnah, is not Islamic and therefore, needs to be Islamized. This article explores the intersection of Islam and psychology, delving into the dynamic relationship between these two fields. It examines how Islamic beliefs, values, and cultural practices influence the understanding of mental health and human behaviour. The discussion includes an exploration of the impact of Islamic principles on psychological well-being, such as concepts of Tawhid (oneness of God), Akhirah (the afterlife), and Qadar (divine predestination).This article also addresses the practical aspects of integrating Islamic teachings into psychological interventions, highlighting the role of Islamic practices, including prayer, fasting, and community engagement, in promoting mental well-being. The cultural sensitivity required in working with diverse Muslim populations is emphasized, as variations exist based on regional, linguistic, and cultural differences. This article embarks on a journey through the process of the Islamization of modern psychology, where Islamic principles, values and cultural context harmoniously meld with the framework of contemporary psychology. As the highest educational institution, the universities can contribute a significant role toward enhancing the Islamization of modern psychology projects that would serve Islam and support the reform and development efforts of the ummah in general and any Muslim society in particular.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Turath Antara - Bidang