About the Journal

The Journal of Sustainable Engineering (SUSTEN) welcomes research papers, letters to the editors, and editorial papers on current topics that can enhance readers' knowledge. The main goal of this journal is to improve the visibility and accessibility of relevant research activities. This, in turn, will help to strengthen the reputation of your research and facilitate collaborations with prestigious universities and stakeholders.

Why Submit to the Sustainable Engineering Journal?

  • Rigorous peer review ensures credibility and excellence.
  • Open access for wider accessibility
  • Transparent publishing process via the state of art Online Journal System (OJS)
  • Global visibility through a dedicated platform for your research to reach a diverse and international audience

It is crucial that all contributions strictly adhere to the standards of UK English for grammar, style, and clarity under the scope field of Materials, Energy, Environment, Sustainable Manufacturing, Process Control, and Computational Intelligence.

The focus areas and potential topics of interest are clustered into 3 main sections to include but are not limited to:

Materials and Energy: Sustainable Materials, Renewable Energy Technologies, Energy-efficient Materials and Processes, Green Chemistry and Engineering, Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion, Advanced Nanomaterials for Sustainability, Biomass and Bioenergy.

Environmental and Process Control: Process Optimization for Environmental Impact Reduction, Environmental Management and Sustainability, Pollution Prevention and Control, Sustainable Water and Wastewater Treatment, Air Quality Monitoring and Control, Process Safety and Risk Management, Circular Economy Practices.

Computational Intelligence: Sustainable Data Analytics, Machine Learning for Energy Efficiency, Computational Modeling for Environmental Assessment, Intelligent Process Control Systems, Optimization Algorithms for Sustainable Engineering, Decision Support Systems for Sustainable Practices, Predictive Modeling for Renewable Energy Systems

Don't miss this opportunity to contribute and submit your paper at this link, SUSTEN submission and be part of this exciting new initiative to advance sustainable engineering research and practice.



  • All articles will be critically read by at least two reviewers without revealing the authors' and the reviewers' identities to each other following the double-blind peer review process.
  • The reviewers are selected for their competencies in the article's subject area.
  • Acceptance of the article will depend upon its scientific merit and suitability for the Sustainability Engineering Journal.
  • An article may be accepted in its original form, subject to revision or rejection.
  • The reviewers' (and editor's) suggestions will be conveyed to the author, who will then have an opportunity to revise the article.
  • A manuscript returned to an author for revision can be held for eight weeks.
  • All submitted articles will be checked for originality through iThenticate/Turnitin.


Publication Ethics Guidelines: These guidelines outline the publication ethics that editorial team, authors and reviewers must follow to ensure integrity, transparency, and fairness in scholarly publishing. Authors are responsible for data accuracy, ethical research practices, and disclosing conflicts of interest, while reviewers must provide objective, confidential, and unbiased evaluations, highlighting any ethical concerns. Plagiarism, misconduct, and research fabrication are strictly prohibited, with corrective actions taken when necessary.

Reviewer Guidelines and Ethical Guidelines: These guidelines outline the review process, ethical considerations, and best practices to ensure a fair and constructive evaluation.

Open Access Policy: This journal provides immediate access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global knowledge exchange.

Creative Common License: This journal uses CC BY-NC 4.0 License from Creative Common License. Anyone may download and read the paper for free. In addition, the article may be reused and quoted, provided that the original published version is cited. These conditions allow for maximum use and exposure of the work while ensuring the authors receive proper credit.