Call for Paper

International Journal on E-Learning Practices (IJELP)

(ISSN: 2289-4926 / eISSN: 2600-7886)

(Indexed in MyJurnal)

CALL FOR PAPERS (Volume 7, 2024):

IJELP invites educators and researchers to submit manuscripts in the area and sub-area of e-learning such as teaching and learning with technology, mobile learning, e-learning technology and innovation, multimedia-based learning, Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL), best practices in e-learning using social networking, PLE, management, assessment, administration and leadership. This journal also considers conceptual articles on topics of broad theoretical, methodological, or practical interest that advance the field of e-learning.

Volume 7 (December 2024)
Open for submission: 25th May 2024
Submission deadline: : 15th September 2024
Review & Result for authors: 15th October – 15th November 2024
Journal editing process : 16th October– 30th November 2024
Online publication: 1st December 2024
Download the template here

All submissions must be done via this link. Authors are required to register for an account, which will be used for all correspondence.