Using TED Talks Videos to Improve Speaking Skills Among Secondary Students in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah


  • Noraini Said Universiti Malaysia Sabah



TED Talks videos, quasi-experimental design, positive learning attitudes, evolving educational needs


This study investigates the incorporation of TED Talks videos as a pedagogical tool in secondary language instruction, with a specific emphasis on improving speaking fluency and students' attitudes toward learning. By recognizing the increasing importance of multimedia in language acquisition, the research aims to uncover the tangible benefits of integrating TED Talks videos into language lessons. Utilizing a quasi-experimental design with control and experimental groups, the study combined quantitative analysis of pre-tests and post-tests with qualitative insights gathered from a Likert questionnaire. The outcomes strongly indicated that students exposed to TED Talks videos exhibit significant advancements in their as indicated by the significant mean value of post-test scores between the experimental and control groups. Additionally, the research highlights the pivotal role of authentic materials in enhancing motivation and fostering positive learning attitudes. This research also delved into the wider implications of these findings for language instruction, underscoring the potential of multimedia resources to revolutionize conventional teaching methodologies. Beyond the classroom, the research envisions an education landscape where innovative techniques, such as the incorporation of TED Talks videos, reshape language teaching. By addressing pedagogical and motivational facets, the study advocates for contemporary resources to create engaging and effective learning experiences. The research encourages educators to explore how multimedia interacts with diverse learners and cultural contexts, ultimately promoting dynamic instructional approaches aligned with evolving educational needs.


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How to Cite

FENG, T. Y., & Said, N. (2023). Using TED Talks Videos to Improve Speaking Skills Among Secondary Students in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. International Journal on E-Learning Practices (IJELP), 6(1).
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