The Impact of Implementing Quizizz on Developing Vocabulary Skills in Language Learning Among Malaysian Secondary School Students in Rural Areas


  • Salome Stephenia Nordin Student



Quizizz, Game-based learning, Vocabulary, Language acquisition, rural areas


Gamification of education Technology definitely plays a significant part in English Language Teaching (ELT). Nowadays, Quizizz is one of the popular game-based learning that is frequently applied in education especially in language learning lesson. This study investigates the impact of implementing Quizizz, a gamified online learning platform, on the development of vocabulary skills among Malaysian Secondary School Students in rural areas. The current study comprised 33 participants, all of them were from three secondary students with mixed ability proficiency from SMK Desa Kencana in Lahad Datu. Pre- and post-test assessments measure the development of vocabulary skills. The study aims to determine whether Quizizz have a significant positive impact to the development of the students' vocabulary skills. Additionally, students' perceptions of Quizizz as a learning tool are explored through quantitative data using questionnaire. The results of the paired t-test analysis and the difference in mean scores suggested a significant rise in students' vocabulary achievement.  Furthermore, according to the questionnaire findings, pupils have a positive perception towards the implementation of Quizizz in language learning. The findings contribute insight into the potential benefits and limitations of applying Quizizz for vocabulary skill development, providing insights into the practicality of utilising technology-enhanced learning approaches in rural education situations. Overall, the findings of this study have significance for educators, policymakers, and curriculum designers looking for new ways to improve language learning outcomes in rural secondary schools.


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How to Cite

Nordin, S. S. (2023). The Impact of Implementing Quizizz on Developing Vocabulary Skills in Language Learning Among Malaysian Secondary School Students in Rural Areas. International Journal on E-Learning Practices (IJELP), 6(1).
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