
  • Lee Bih Ni Universiti Malaysia Sabah




Digital Media Influence, Conflict Narratives, Public Opinion, Information Dissemination


This study aims to explore YouTube's role in shaping public perception and understanding of the Israel-Palestine conflict. Drawing on literature that examines media influence, digital communication, and conflict narratives, the research synthesizes insights from various sources to assess how YouTube impacts viewers' opinions and knowledge. The analysis reveals that YouTube democratizes information dissemination, providing a platform for diverse voices, including official media, grassroots organizations, and independent creators. This multiplicity of perspectives contributes to a nuanced understanding of the conflict, highlighting personal stories, political contexts, and power dynamics. However, findings also indicate that YouTube can amplify polarization by creating echo chambers and spreading misinformation. Ultimately, YouTube serves as a double-edged sword, capable of both educating the public and perpetuating biases, making its role in the Israel-Palestine conflict both influential and complex.


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How to Cite

Lee Bih Ni. (2024). EXPLORING YOUTUBE’S ROLE IN SHAPING PUBLIC PERCEPTION AND UNDERSTANDING OF THE ISRAEL-PALESTINE CONFLICT. International Journal on E-Learning Practices (IJELP), 7(1). https://doi.org/10.51200/ijelp.v7i1.5523
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