The population size and distribution of Proboscis Monkeys (Nasalis larvatus) based on a brief study in Garama, Klias Peninsula, Sabah, Malaysia


  • Muhammad Ridzwan Ali
  • Henry Bernard
  • Goro Hanya



Proboscis monkey, abundance, distribution, Garama, Sabah


A census survey on the proboscis monkey populations was carried out in and around the Padas Damit Forest Reserve located in Garama, central part of Klias Peninsula in the west of Sabah. The survey was conducted in September and December 2007 using boats going through 5.4 km along the Garama River within the study area. A total minimum population size of 10 groups and 76 individuals was found within the surveyed areas. The population density was estimated to be 1.85 groups/km2 or 14.07 individuals/km2. Groups of proboscis monkey were frequently encountered along the Garama River located well within the Padas Damit Forest Reserve area, but animals were also encountered outside of this reserve in unprotected areas, especially on the upper parts of the Garama River in proximity of human habitations.


How to Cite

Ali, M. R., Bernard, H., & Hanya, G. (2016). The population size and distribution of Proboscis Monkeys (Nasalis larvatus) based on a brief study in Garama, Klias Peninsula, Sabah, Malaysia. Journal of Tropical Biology & Conservation (JTBC), 5.
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