Species Composition and Distribution of Zingiberaceae in Mt. Hamiguitan Expansion Site, Davao Oriental, Philippines
Etlingera hamiguitanensis, Geocharis fusiformis, Gingers, Meistera muricarpa, Philippine endemicAbstract
This study was conducted to assess the composition and distribution of gingers (Zingiberaceae) in Mt. Hamiguitan expansion site, Tumalite, San Isidro, Davao Oriental, Philippines. Transect walk and opportunistic sampling were carried out along established forest trails, rivers, creeks and streams. Fourteen (14) ginger species were found, of which 10 species are endemic to the Philippines, two species are introduced, and two species are unidentified to the species level. The species belong to two subfamilies (Alpinioideae and Zingiberoideae) and three tribes (Alpinieae, Globbeae, and Zingibereae). The species recorded include Alpinia haenkei C.Presl, Alpinia cf. vulcanica Elmer, Alpinia rufa C.Presl, Alpinia sp., Curcuma zedoaria (Christm.) Rosc., Curcuma longa L., Etlingera dalican (Elmer) A.D.Poulsen, Etlingera hamiguitanensis Naive, Etlingera sp., Geocharis fusiformis (Ridl.) R.M.Sm., Globba campsophylla K.Schum., Hornstedtia conoidea Ridl., Hornstedtia microcheila Ridl., and Meistera muricarpa (Elmer) Å korniÄk. & M.F.Newman. These species represent 47% of the total genera and 14% of the total species of Zingiberaceae in the Philippines. Cluster analysis (numerical analysis) using morphological descriptions supported present taxonomic placements of the species. The data indicated that G. fusiformis is the most abundant ginger in the area.
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