The occurence of Croton bonplandianus in Java and a new record of Caperonia palustris for Malesia Region


  • Zakaria A. Anshori
  • Arifin S. D. Irsyam
  • Muhammad R. Hariri
  • Rina R. Irwanto



Caperonia, Croton, Euphorbiaceae, Java, Malesia


Two noteworthy species belongs to the Euphorbiaceae, namely Caperonia palustris and Croton bonplandianus, have been recently collected from Java Island, West Malesia. The discovery of C. palustris is a new record for Malesia region, while C. bonplandianus is considered as a newly recorded alien species to the Flora of Java. Caperonia palustris is characterized by the glandular and non-glandular hairs on its stem and petiole, triangular to lanceolate or subulate stipules, and leaves in ovate-oblong or elliptic-oblong to lanceolate shape. Croton bonplandianus differs from the previously reported species in Java, C. hirtus, by its non-irritating hairs on the stem, sessile basal leaf glands, leaf margin with simple serration, and ellipsoid fruit. Descriptions and a brief discussion are given.




How to Cite

A. Anshori, Z. ., Irsyam, A. S. D. ., R. Hariri, M. ., & R. Irwanto, R. . (2020). The occurence of Croton bonplandianus in Java and a new record of Caperonia palustris for Malesia Region. Journal of Tropical Biology & Conservation (JTBC), 17, 273–283.
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