Community preparedness in ecotourism development and their role in maintaining the natural resources in Kadamaian area, Sabah


  • Franey Joseph Chong
  • Gao Le
  • Nor Akmar Abdul Aziz
  • Awangku Hassanal Bahar Pengiran Bagul Pengiran Bagul
  • Fiffy Hanisdah Saikim



Ecotourism, SWOT, Conservation, Local Network, Tourism Development


Community preparedness in ecotourism development and their role in maintaining  natural resources is necessary. Yet, many examples throughout the world suggest that local communities are unable to participate in development of ecotourism and maintaining  natural resources. A preliminary study was carried out to identify the preparedness of local communities in ecotourism, as well as to determine the Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threat (SWOT) that effect the preparedness of local communities. Sociological interviews was a recommend networking as the determining the factor. This paper aims to assess the potential of ecotourism in the Kadamaian area and the preparedness in development of ecotourism by the local community. We focused on evaluating the relationship between environment impact and ecotourism by the local community in terms of sustainable tourism development, which can provide an  insight in future management for government, stakeholders and managers. This preliminary study shows that  local communities are highly prepared in ecotourism development and inmaintaining natural resources, and the result could assist them in conserving natural resources.




How to Cite

Chong, F. J. ., Le, G. ., Abdul Aziz, N. A. ., Pengiran Bagul, A. H. B. P. B., & Saikim, F. H. . (2021). Community preparedness in ecotourism development and their role in maintaining the natural resources in Kadamaian area, Sabah. Journal of Tropical Biology & Conservation (JTBC), 18, 115–129.
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