Avian Diversity, Feeding Guilds and Conservation Status in Mt. Pantaron, San Fernando, Bukidnon, Philippines


  • Mary Cor S. Salolog
  • Heidi C. Porquis
  • Arturo G. Gracia, Jr




Assemblage, Birds, Feeding Guild, Species Richness, and Threats


Bird conservation is one of the main concerns of conservation societies due to its crucial role in maintaining ecosystem balance. However, for this to be realized, there is a need for continuous updating on ecological information necessary for conservation planning, especially for less explored habitats. Hence, this study was conducted to evaluate the diversity and status of birds in one of the understudied areas in Bukidnon, Philippines. Mist-netting for a total of 200 net-days, transect-line, and point-counts were carried out to record the birds. A total of 31 species with 386 individuals in 23 families were noted. Overall diversity value was relatively higher with H’ index of 2.87, equitability value of 0.84, and a level of dominance (D) of only 0.08. Thus indicating that the habitat is diverse.  However, concerning the uniformity of the population within the community, the birds’ assemblage was noted to be moderately even with J’ value of 0.56. The assemblage of birds was a mixture of insectivores, frugivores, carnivores, nectarivores, granivores, and omnivores which are essential for seed dispersal, pollination, pest control, and ecosystem re-constructing. Seven endemic species were noted. Among the birds, Padda oryzavora was the threatened species observed, while nine species were assessed to have a declining population. The threats observed in the area include hunting traps called “pulot," slingshot, slash and burn (Kaingin), and mist-netting. Based on the results, despite the limitations on the actual observation and documentation, Mt. Pantaron Range was found to house various species of avian fauna, which is worth saving from the different threats like habitat destruction and unregulated exploitation.




How to Cite

S. Salolog, M. C. ., C. Porquis, H. ., & G. Gracia, Jr, A. . (2021). Avian Diversity, Feeding Guilds and Conservation Status in Mt. Pantaron, San Fernando, Bukidnon, Philippines. Journal of Tropical Biology & Conservation (JTBC), 18, 229–242. https://doi.org/10.51200/jtbc.v18i.3457
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