Diversity of Pteridophytes in Different Vegetation Types of Mount Musuan, Bukidnon, Philippines


  • Fulgent P. CORITICO
  • Pamela Joy F. ORIAS
  • Ivy C. ADLAON
  • Joevina C. NOBLEZA
  • Victor B. AMOROSO




diversity, LTER, vegetation type, species richness, pteridophytes


Two 20 m × 20 m plots were established per vegetation type—Natural Forest, Mixed/Biro, Thailand Shower, and Teak which recorded 38 pteridophyte species, from 28 genera, and 18 families. Highest diversity index was recorded in Mixed/Biro vegetation (H’=1.18), followed by Teak vegetation (H’=1.006), Thailand Shower (H’=0.886), and Natural Forest (H’=0.85). Pteridaceae had the highest number of species (6), Thelypteridaceae (4), Nephrolepidaceae (3) and Lygodiaceae (3). Sphaeropteris glauca is an endangered species and a new record for Mount Musuan, and Angiopteris evecta as other threatened species. The presence of these species highlights the importance of botanical exploration in Mount Musuan as well as the need for conservation management to protect its remaining biodiversity.



How to Cite

CORITICO, F. P. ., ORIAS, P. J. F. ., ADLAON, I. C. ., NOBLEZA, J. C., & AMOROSO, V. B. . (2024). Diversity of Pteridophytes in Different Vegetation Types of Mount Musuan, Bukidnon, Philippines. Journal of Tropical Biology & Conservation (JTBC), 21, 96–110. https://doi.org/10.51200/jtbc.v21i.5674
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