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  • Mustafa Kamal
  • Mohd Rahimie bin Abd Karim
  • Nurlaila binti Said



Tabung Haji, intention to register, Hajj, depositors, Malaysia


Registration for Hajj in Malaysia through Tabung Haji (TH) is a significant and religiously important process for Malaysian Muslims who wish to perform the Hajj pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia. Hajj pilgrimage is one of fundamental pillars of the Five Pillars of Islam and a compulsory religious duty for Muslims who are physically and financially able to undertake the journey at least once in their lifetime. TH is a government-owned institution that specializes in facilitating the Hajj for Malaysian Muslims by providing comprehensive Hajj packages, support and guidance. Unfortunately, however, there are a significant number of TH depositors who are unaware of the need to register for Hajj as evident from the number of depositors who have not registered for Hajj against the number of depositors who are already eligible for Hajj registration. Thus, the aim of this study is to reveal the determinant that influence TH depositors in their intention to register for Hajj in Sabah. The study also notes the relationship between perceived behavioral control, ibadah personality and service quality with the intention to register for Hajj. The study applied a quantitative analysis by distributing survey questionnaires among TH depositors in the state. The findings indicated that all three factors, namely perceived behavioural control, ibadah personality and quality of the service, are the influencing reasons on the intention of TH depositors to register for Hajj in Sabah.  This study is significant as it is one of the earlier studies in Malaysia, particularly in Sabah, that examine the intention to register for Hajj from the perspectives of TH depositors.  Therefore, the findings will have the practical use particularly for TH to enhance their strategies in attracting TH depositors to register for Hajj.  

Author Biographies

Mustafa Kamal

Faculty of Business, Economics and Accountancy,
Jalan UMS, Universiti Malaysia Sabah,
88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

Mohd Rahimie bin Abd Karim

Faculty of Business, Economics and Accountancy,
Jalan UMS, Universiti Malaysia Sabah,
88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

Nurlaila binti Said

Faculty of Business, Economics and Accountancy,
Jalan UMS, Universiti Malaysia Sabah,
88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia


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How to Cite

Mustafa Kamal, Mohd Rahimie bin Abd Karim, & Nurlaila binti Said. (2023). EXAMINING THE FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE THE INTENTION TO REGISTER FOR HAJJ AMONG DEPOSITORS IN TABUNG HAJI SABAH. Malaysian Journal of Business and Economics (MJBE), 10(2).
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