
  • Sofiah Kadar Khan Faculty of Business Administration, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, UTAR Perak, Malaysia
  • I Chi Chen Faculty of Business Administration, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, UTAR Perak, Malaysia



Emotional exhaustion, work life balance, supportive organisational culture, occupational commitment, organisational citizenship behaviour


The article extends the literature of organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB) by providing support for the development of construct towards OCB. There has been extensive studies directed towards understanding OCB. Empirical studies have confirmed the positive relationship among OCB and organisational performance. This article proposed a framework  based on past literatures engaging emotional exhaustion and work life balance as variables predicting occupational commitment moderated by supportive organisational culture towards OCB. The propositions made by identifying work stressors which will weaken the effect of positive work behaviour.


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