The Relationship Between Career Advancement On Job Performance Among Women In Sabah
career advancement, work-life balance, family responsibilities, fear of success, job performance, mediating educationAbstract
The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between career advancement and job performance among women, as
well as to examine the relationship of mediating education on both dependent and independent variables. The review of
literature indicates that the efforts of women involved in employment have continued to face challenges in career
advancement (work-life balance, family responsibilities, and fear of success) and job performance. These barriers can be
complex, including limitations on the effect of an education. A quantitative research design is conducted throughout a
questionnaire which is formulated from the primary data collection. A total of 40 female employees filled a questionnaire
given in Sabah. Meanwhile, the analysis method used was Smart-PLS version 4 structural equation modeling technique,
which is the regression and descriptive methods. The findings of this research believes women due have barriers on career
advancement which has affected their job performance, while education proven causes employee career advancement and they
believe it has achieved the standard of job performance within the organization. Therefore, this study contributes an important
insight into the challenges faced by women in Sabah, expanding the importance of education, and unlocking the potential of
women-led employment.