
  • Noor Rafizal bin Paharul Rozi Pusat Pengajian Seni, Universiti Sains Malaysia
  • Azrul Azizi Amirrul Pusat Pengajian Seni, Universiti Sains Malaysia




Upin & Ipin, tarikan, Youtube, Facebook, elemen boria, attraction, lements of the boria


Kajian ini membincangkan apresiasi boria menerusi animasi Upin & Ipin dalam episod Boria Suka-Suka. Objektif kajian ini adalah mengenal pasti tayangan Upin & Ipin episod Boria Suka-Suka sebagai tarikan minat kepada penonton untuk mengenali boria. Seterusnya, kajian ini membincangkan elemen boria dalam memberi pengetahuan kepada penonton yang menonton persembahannya. Kajian dijalankan secara kualitatif menggunakan analisis kandungan sebagai instrumen utama kajian. Hal ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti kekuatan dan kelebihan siri animasi Upin & Ipin yang mampu menarik minat penonton terhadap teater tradisional boria yang berasal dari Pulau Pinang. Data diambil daripada tayangan video di Youtube dan Facebook melalui komen-komen secara rawak. Animasi ini dianalisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan teori AIDDA membentuk akronim Attention (perhatian), Interest (minat), Desire (hasrat/keinginan), Decision (keputusan) dan Action (tindakan). Dapatan kajian ini menunjukkan perkaitan antara satu sama lain bagi membentuk minat dalam episod Boria Suka-Suka. Beberapa kekurangan persembahan boria dalam animasi ini dibincangkan untuk penambahbaikan terhadap elemen-elemen boria. Kajian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi titik awal kepada pembentukan minat dan rujukan apresiasi boria melalui animasi agar struktur boria terus terpelihara.


The present study investigates the appreciation of the boria through an episode of the animation Upin & Ipin’s “Boria Suka-Suka.” The objective of this study is to identify Upin & Ipin’s episode of “Boria Suka-Suka” as a medium of attraction for the viewers to get to know boria. The elements of the boria have also been discussed in informing the audience by watching the performance. This study has taken the form of a qualitative study by the use of content analysis as the main instrument of the analysis. This is done to identify the strength and the advantages of the animation Upin & Ipin that had successfully attracted the viewers’ interest towards the traditional theatre, boria, that originates from Pulau Pinang. The data had been taken from the video clips of the episode from Youtube and Facebook through the random selection of the comments. This animation had been analysed by using the AIDDA theory which stands for the elements of Attention, Interest, Desire, Decision and Action. The findings of the study show that the link between the AIDDA elements in establishing interest in the episode of “Boria Suka-Suka.” Some drawbacks regarding the boria performance in the animation have also been discussed for the betterment of the boria elements. This study is hoped to be the stepping stone towards the establishment of interest and as the reference point for the appreciation of the boria through animation so that the structure of the boria will always be preserved.



How to Cite

Paharul Rozi, N. R. bin, & Amirrul, A. A. . (2020). APRESIASI BORIA DALAM ANIMASI UPIN & IPIN: EPISOD BORIA SUKA-SUKA: BORIA APPRECIATION IN UPIN & IPIN ANIMATION: SUKA-SUKA BORIA EPISODES. Jurnal Gendang Alam (GA), 10. https://doi.org/10.51200/ga.v10i.2519
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