Elemen patriotisme, filem, Mat Salleh Pahlawan Sabah, implikatur, Grice, Elements of patriotism, film, implicatureAbstract
Filem adalah karya seni berbentuk audio dan visual. Selain hiburan, filem juga merakamkan semula sejarah bangsa dan negara serta berperanan menyebarkan pelbagai mesej kepada masyarakat. Antaranya adalah menyedarkan masyarakat tentang semangat patriotisme pada negara. Hal ini dinyatakan Mohd Daly et al. (2017: 570), bahawa penerbitan filem patriotisme bukan sahaja sebagai tontonan, malah mampu menyemai dan menyampaikan mesej cintakan negara. Selain perlakuan, penyampaian mesej boleh dilakukan melalui penyampaian dialog watak. Justeru, artikel ini akan menganalisis penggunaan ujaran implikatur patriotisme dalam filem Mat Salleh Pahlawan Sabah (1983) dengan menggunakan teori Grice (1975). Pemilihan filem ini dilakukan kerana gambaran Mat Salleh dalam memperjuangkan keadilan sehingga sanggup mati cukup jelas menunjukkan semangat patriotisme beliau pada bumi Sabah. Selain itu, sehingga kini nama Mat Salleh menjadi legenda bualan masyarakat dan salah satu tokoh yang menentang keras penjajah khususnya di negeri Sabah. Oleh itu, analisis penggunaan ujaran implikatur patriotisme ini bertujuan untuk menentukan presentasi dan mesej tentang patriotisme boleh dijelaskan secara harfiah dan terperinci berdasarkan konteks negara Malaysia melalui medium filem. Selain itu, ia juga bertujuan memperkuatkan lagi watak Mat Salleh dalam filem tersebut dikategorikan sebagai pahlawan yang mempunyai semangat patriotisme iaitu cintakan negaranya.
Films are works of art in the form of audio and visuals. Apart from entertainment, the film also re -records the history of the nation and the country and serves to spread various messages to the community. Among them is to make the community aware of the spirit of patriotism in the country. This is stated by Mohd Daly et al. (2017: 570), that the production of patriotism films is not only a spectacle but also able to sow and convey the message of love for the country.
In addition to treatment, message delivery can be done through character dialogue delivery. Thus, this article will analyze the use of the implicature expression of patriotism in the film Mat Salleh Pahlawan Sabah (1983) by using the theory of Grice (1975). The selection of this film was done because of Mat Salleh’s portrayal of fighting for justice until he was willing to die, it clearly shows his patriotism in Sabah. Apart from that, until now, Mat Salleh’s name has become a legend in the community and one of the figures who strongly opposed the colonialists, especially in Sabah. Therefore, the analysis of the use of the expression of the implicature of patriotism aims to determine the presentation and message about patriotism can be explained literally and in detail based on the context of Malaysia through the medium of film. Apart from that, it also aims to strengthen the character of Mat Salleh in the film which is categorized as a hero who has the spirit of patriotism that is the love of his country.
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