Vol. 4 (2008): Journal of Tropical Biology and Conservation No. 4/2008

A journal of the Biology Tropical and Conservation Institute, Universiti Malaysia Sabah
Floral survey of Laiban sub-watershed in the Sierra Madre Mountain Range in the Philippines
Total Views: 659 |
Total Downloads: 628
Diversity of gingers at Serudong, Sabah, Malaysia
Total Views: 232 |
Total Downloads: 277
Biodiversity assesment in a Sarawak lowland dipterocarp rainforest of Niah National Park
Total Views: 374 |
Total Downloads: 439
Horizontal distribution of intertidal nematode from Sabah, Malaysia
Total Views: 166 |
Total Downloads: 170
Stand structure and tree composition of Timbah Virgin Jungle Reserve, Sabah, Malaysia
Total Views: 199 |
Total Downloads: 209
Preliminary molecular phylogeny of Bornean Plagiostachys (Zingiberaceae) based on DNA sequence data of internal transcribed spacer (ITS)
Total Views: 184 |
Total Downloads: 149
Bats (chiropteran) reported with Aspergillus species from Kubah National Park, Sarawak, Malaysia
Total Views: 201 |
Total Downloads: 259
Rapid assessment on the abundance of bird species utilising the Kota Kinabalu Wetland Centre mangroves
Total Views: 347 |
Total Downloads: 436
A preliminary study on the morphometrics of the Bornean Elephant
Total Views: 316 |
Total Downloads: 243
A preliminary survey on the butterfly fauna of Sungai Imbak Forest Reserve, a remote area at the centre of Sabah, Malaysia
Total Views: 239 |
Total Downloads: 307