International Student Destination Choice: Institutional Influence


  • Herlina Jupiter



The effort to increase the number of international students in Higher Education Institutions through Malaysia's promotion and marketing program as an international higher education hub has been emphasized through the National Higher Education Strategic Plan. This is because the entry of international student into the country not only contributes to economic growth but also the skills, research capabilities, innovative ideas and solutions from international students can contribute to the value of an international university. This study aims to identify the motives and institutional factors that influence the decisions of international students in the selection of study destination abroad. Additionally, university marketing promotion and promotion strategies in realizing the international student improvement efforts are also discussed by looking at their relevance to institutional factors. it is hoped that this study provides ideas and useful information to the university in acheiving status of ''world class univerisity'' as well as improving the quality of nation's higher education. 




How to Cite

Jupiter, H. (2018). International Student Destination Choice: Institutional Influence. Labuan E-Journal of Muamalat and Society (LJMS), 12, 139–147.



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