Exemplary Muslim PR Personalities


  • Mohd Hamdan Adnan Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage, Universiti Malaysia Sabah




Prophet Muhammad SAW, Abu Bakr RA, Umar RA, Uthman RA, Ali Ibn Talib RA, public relations, communication, IMPRC, engagement and consultation


This article discusses the characteristics of five effective public relations practitioners and communicators personalities in the Muslim world. Five prominent Muslims were selected. It begins with Prophet Muhammad SAW who the International Muslim Public Relations Council (IMPRC) had selected as the founder of Muslim Public Relations (PR) practice and the best ever PR Practitioner. The prophet greatness in PR practice is seen both from Muslims and non-Muslims perspectives. The article discusses not only the words of Muhammad but also his deeds. His PR greatness is seen by his integrity and achievements that lead Michael Hart to choose him as the greatest person having walked this earth. Actually not only Hart had chosen him as the greatest other non-Muslims notables like Alphonse de Lamartine , William Montgomery Watt, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi,Edward Gibbon, John William Draper and Washington Irving. Some important statements uttered by the Prophet were also discussed as to how it relate to good PR practice. It must be said that Prophet Muhammad SAW is the most quoted person in history. His words and actions have become the guiding lights of Muslims and Islamic nation across the ages. Almost all of his actions and the words he uttered was recorded and being used as a model to every Muslims. Thus, very rightly so he should be guiding light of every Muslim Public Relations professional and to IAMPRC. After him came his four closest companions who practiced excellent PR that lead to the rapid spread of Islam which in no small measures were due to their exemplary public relations characteristics and abilities. For example, all four companions were men of beautiful words as well as deed of which each have their own significant contributions to Islam rapid growth. However, each of these exemplary PR personalities has their own uniqueness that modern Muslim PR practitioners can learn from. The approach to this article has been narrative and anecdotal of which mostly are gathered from literature reviews.


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