The Reaction of the Dusun Community in Kota Belud Towards Japanese Occupation of Boruneo Kita (1942-1945)


  • JOSIETHA BINTI MIUN Program Sejarah, Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
  • MD SAFFIE ABDUL RAHIM Program Sejarah, Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah



reaksi, Dusun, pendudukan, Jepun, Kota Belud, reaction, Japanese occupation


Pendudukan Jepun di Boruneo Kita berlaku kerana faktor ekonomi dan politik. Pendudukan Jepun pada awalnya mendapat reaksi positif dari penduduk tempatan. Namun, setelah Jepun menduduki Boruneo Kita, masyarakat tempatan mula melakukan protes setelah beberapa dasar ekonomi dan politik Jepun dianggap menindas masyarakat setempat. Artikel ini membincangkan reaksi masyarakat Dusun di Kota Belud semasa pendudukan Jepun di Boruneo Kita sekitar tahun 1942 hingga 1945. Kajian ini
menggunakan sumber lisan melalui temu ramah dengan penduduk tempatan. Selain itu, kaedah penyelidikan perpustakaan yang merujuk kepada dokumen arkib juga dilakukan untuk melengkapkan fakta tentang gerakan anti-Jepun di Boruneo Kita. Kajian ini mendapati bahawa masyarakat Dusun di Kota Belud pada awalnya menganggap Jepun melindungi dan membebaskan mereka dari penjajahan Barat. Namun, pentadbiran Jepun yang sering bertindak kejam selain merampas tanaman, mencetuskan
penentangan yang membawa kepada gerakan anti-Jepun. Kajian ini penting untuk memberi gambaran yang jelas tentang reaksi masyarakat tempatan terhadap pendudukan Jepun dari perspektif sumber lisan masyarakat Dusun di Kota Belud.

The Japanese occupation of Boruneo Kita occurred due to economic and political factors. The Japanese occupation initially received a positive reaction from the locals. However, after Japan occupied Boruneo Kita, the local community began to protest after some Japanese economic and political policies were considered to oppress the local community. This article discusses the reaction of the Dusun community in Kota Belud during the Japanese occupation of Boruneo Kita around 1942 to 1945. This study uses oral sources through interviews with locals. In addition, library research methods referring to archival documents were also conducted to complement the facts about the anti-Japanese movement in Boruneo Kita. This study found that the Dusun community in Kota Belud initially considered the Japanese to protect and liberate them from Western occupation. However, the Japanese administration, which often acted brutally in addition to confiscating crops, sparked opposition, leading to anti-Japanese movements. This study is important to give a clear picture of the reaction of the local community to the Japanese occupation from the perspective of the oral sources of the Dusun community in Kota Belud.


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How to Cite

MIUN, J.B. and MD SAFFIE ABDUL RAHIM 2020. REAKSI MASYARAKAT DUSUN DI KOTA BELUD TERHADAP PENDUDUKAN JEPUN DI BORUNEO KITA (1942-1945): The Reaction of the Dusun Community in Kota Belud Towards Japanese Occupation of Boruneo Kita (1942-1945). Jurnal Borneo Arkhailogia (Heritage, Archaeology and History). 5, 1 (Dec. 2020). DOI:
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