About the Journal


The Jurnal Borneo Arkhailogia (JBA) is the journal of the Borneo Archaeological Research Unit (UPArk). Founded in 2016, and published its first issue in 2017. The scope of the JBA is the fields of archaeology heritage management, classical history and oral history which focuses on the area of Borneo and its adjacent islands, from ancient times to the present-day...read more


Current Issue

Vol. 9 No. 1 (2024): Jurnal Borneo Arkhailogia (Heritage, Archaeology and History)
					View Vol. 9 No. 1 (2024): Jurnal Borneo Arkhailogia (Heritage, Archaeology and History)
Published: 2025-01-13


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The Jurnal Borneo Arkhailogia (JBA) is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed academic journal, designed to publish reports of well-written original research and theoretical articles in the fields of archaeology, heritage management, classical history, modern history, and oral history which is to generate discussion and fresh perspective. JBA intends to serve as a platform for scholars to share common interests in the understanding of issues related to the sustainability of the various fields of knowledge which focuses on the area of Borneo. JBA strongly encourage the interdisciplinary approach of different academic disciplines. In other words, JBA creates its own uniqueness by combining the profession of various scholarships and current applications. The Board of Editors of the JBA intends to publish a journal each year, as well as aims to make the JBA a 'must read' publication for those who want to know more about the archeology, history, heritage and culture of the people of Borneo.

Jurnal Borneo Arkhailogia (JBA) ialah jurnal akademik berwasit antara disiplin yang diwujudkan untuk menerbitkan laporan penyelidikan asli dan makalah ilmiah dalam bidang arkeologi,  pengurusan warisan, sejarah klasik, sejarah moden, dan sejarah lisan yang menjana perbincangan dan perspektif yang baharu. Jurnal ini bertujuan untuk menjadi platform bagi para sarjana berkongsi minat yang sama dalam memahami isu yang berkaitan dengan kemampanan pelbagai bidang pengetahuan yang memberi tumpuan kepada kawasan Borneo dan pulau di sekitarnya. JBA menggalakkan pendekatan antara pelbagai disiplin akademik yang berbeza. Dengan kata lain, JBA mencipta keunikan tersendiri dengan menggabungkan suara profesion pelbagai kesarjanaan dan aplikasi terkini. Sidang Editor JBA berhasrat untuk menerbitkan satu keluaran pada setiap tahun, selain bermatlamat menjadikan JBA sebagai satu penerbitan ‘mesti baca’ untuk mereka yang ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang arkeologi, sejarah, warisan dan budaya masyarakat di Borneo.