About the Journal

MANU Jurnal Pusat Penataran Ilmu dan Bahasa

MANU is published annually in June and December by the Centre for the Promotion of Knowledge and Language Learning, Universiti Malaysia Sabah. With its inaugural issue printed in 1998, the Journal witnessed the publication of Volume 34 in 2023. MANU invites the submission of articles and book reviews in academic disciplines related to Humanities, such as Modern Languages, Literature, History, Philosophy, Religion, Visual and Performing Arts, Communication Studies, and Cultural Studies. We particularly welcome manuscripts that focus on Malaysia and Southeast Asia issues. Only manuscripts written either in Bahasa Melayu or the English Language will be considered for publication. MANU is indexed by the Malaysian Citation Index (MYCITE). 

ISSN: 1511-1989 | e-ISSN: 2590-4086