Contradiction of Custom and Islamic Law in the Practice of Marriage in Murut Tahol Community, Nabawan District Sabah
adat perkahwinan , Murut Tahol, sogit, perkahwinan sepupu , hukum Islam, wedding customs, consanguineous marriage, Islamic lawAbstract
Dalam masyarakat Islam, sering timbul polemik antara adat yang diamalkan dengan syariat yang diwahyukan. Kerap kali dalam interaksi yang berlangsung akan berlaku proses penyesuaian agar adat yang diamalkan tidak bertentangan dengan syariat. Dalam kajian ini, pengkaji memfokuskan terhadap analisis adat perkahwinan masyarakat Murut Tahol Islam di daerah Nabawan, Sabah menurut perspektif hukum Islam. Asasnya, terdapat dua bentuk perkahwinan masyarakat Murut Tahol yang beragama Islam, iaitu pertama, berasaskan syariat dan yang kedua, berasaskan adat. Dalam perkahwinan berasaskan adat ini, terdapat empat bentuk adat iaitu pakalangan, limpuhu, bului dan tinauh. Justeru, bagi mencapai objektif yang ditetapkan, kajian berbentuk kualitatif ini mengaplikasikan kajian perpustakaan dan kajian lapangan. Pengumpulan data dijalankan melalui metode dokumentasi dan temu bual separa struktur. Data yang dikumpulkan telah dianalisis secara induktif. Hasil kajian mendapati terdapat adat perkahwinan masyarakat Murut Tahol beragama Islam yang menepati syariat seperti adat merisik, pemberian hadiah, kaedah pembayaran berian sampai mati dan poligami. Di samping itu, terdapat adat yang bertentangan dengan syariat seperti tamong pengayangan (tunang angkat), perkahwinan dengan sepupu dan sogit. Sehubungan itu, masyarakat Islam Murut Tahol perlu berhati-hati dalam pengamalan adat berkenaan agar tidak bertentangan dengan syariat Islam.
In the Muslim community, there is often a polemic between the customs practiced and the revealed sharia. Frequently in the interaction that takes place, there will be a process of adjustment so that the activities practiced are not contrary to the sharia. In this study, the researchers focus on the analysis of marriage customs of the Murut Tahol Islam community
in Nabawan District, Sabah in accordance to the perspective of Islamic law. Basically, there are two forms of the marriage of the Muslim Murut Tahol community, namely, first, marriage based on sharia and the second, marriage based on custom. There are four forms of tradition in this custombased marriage, namely, pakalangan, limpuhu, bului and tinauh. Thus, to achieve the objectives, this qualitative study applies library research and field studies. Data collection was carried out through documentation methods and semi-structured interview. The data collected were analyzed inductively. The results of the study found that there are Muslim wedding customs of the Muslim Murut Tahol community that comply with the sharia such as the custom of merisik, gift giving, method of payment of berian until death and polygamy. In addition, there are practices contrary to the sharia, such as tamong pengayangan (adopted fiancé), consanguineous marriage and sogit. In this respect, the Muslim community of Murut Tahol must be careful to practise customs so as not to go against Islamic law.
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