Vietnamese Refugees and Its Impact on Malaysia-United States (US) Relations, 1975- 1990’s


  • ASZLAN SELAMAT Centre of Foundation Studies, Wawasan Open University



Pelarian Vietnam, Malaysia-Japan relations, Amerika Syarikat, laporan surat khabar, Vietnamese refugees, United States, newspapers reports


Artikel ini membincangkan pengaruh isu pelarian Vietnam di Malaysia dalam hubungan Malaysia-Amerika Syarikat (AS) dari tahun 1975 hingga 1990-an. Artikel ini turut menyentuh peranan media khususnya laporan surat khabar dalam mencorakkan hubungan kedua-dua buah negara. Isu pelarian Vietnam di Malaysia bermula selepas kekalahan AS dalam perang Vietnam pada tahun 1975. Hal ini menyebabkan kejatuhan kerajaan Demokratik Vietnam Selatan yang kemudiannya dikuasai oleh kerajaan Komunis Vietnam Utara. Layanan yang teruk oleh kerajaan Komunis Vietnam telah menyebabkan ramai rakyatnya melarikan diri dan meninggalkan negara tersebut. Sebilangan besar telah menuju dan mendarat di Malaysia. Oleh itu, AS memohon kepada Kerajaan Malaysia agar memberi perlindungan sementara kepada pelarian Vietnam sebelum diproses dan dipindahkan ke negara ketiga. Malaysia menerima permohonan AS dengan syarat kesemua pelarian Vietnam mesti diproses dan dipindahkan dengan segera. Artikel ini menggunakan kaedah penyelidikan sejarah iaitu penelitian ke atas data primer dan sekunder. Selain itu, sesi temu bual bersama Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad turut diadakan bagi mendapatkan data yang tepat mengenai pengaruh isu pelarian Vietnam dalam hubungan Malaysia-AS. Berdasarkan analisis sejarah, didapati bahawa tuduhan yang dikenakan ke atas Malaysia terhadap pelarian Vietnam seperti menolak mereka kembali ke laut telah mengeruhkan hubungan Malaysia-AS. Tambahan pula, laporan surat khabar turut memainkan peranan mengapi-apikan isu ini sehingga Kongres AS mengambil keputusan menggantung bantuan ketenteraan kepada Malaysia dari tahun 1991 hingga 1993. Walau bagaimanapun, Malaysia masih meneruskan usaha mengurus dan memberi layanan yang sewajarnya kepada pelarian Vietnam yang berada di Malaysia sebelum dihantar pulang dan dipindahkan ke negara ketiga.


This article discusses the impact of Vietnamese refugee issue
in Malaysia on the Malaysia-United States(US) relations from 1975 to the 1990’s. This article also touches the role of the media especially the newspapers report in shaping the relations between both countries. The issue of Vietnamese refugees in Malaysia began after the US was defeated in the Vietnam war in 1975. This led to the collapse of the South Vietnamese Democratic government and was later controlled by the North Vietnamese Communist government. Poor treatment by the Vietnamese government had caused many of its people to leave the country. Most of them landed in Malaysia. The US had asked the Malaysian government to provide temporary refuge to Vietnamese refugees before they were processed and transferred to the third countries. Malaysia accepted US request with the condition that all Vietnamese refugees must be relocated immediately. This article used the historical research method on primary and secondary data. In addition, an interview with Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad was also conducted to obtain accurate data on the impact of Vietnamese refugees on Malaysia-US relations. Based on historical analysis, it was found that the accusation of Malaysia’s actions on Vietnamese refugees such as pushing them back to the sea had shaken Malaysia-US relations. In addition, newspaper reports also played a role in addressing the issue. Then, the US Congress decided to suspense military assistance to Malaysia from year 1991 to 1993. However, Malaysia continued its efforts to manage and provide appropriate treatment to Vietnamese refugees before deporting and transferring them to the third countries.


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How to Cite

ASZLAN SELAMAT. (2022). PELARIAN VIETNAM DAN PENGARUHNYADALAM HUBUNGAN MALAYSIA–AMERIKA SYARIKAT (AS), 1975-1990-AN: Vietnamese Refugees and Its Impact on Malaysia-United States (US) Relations, 1975- 1990’s. MANU Jurnal Pusat Penataran Ilmu Dan Bahasa, 33(1), 53–78.
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