The Review of Bali Bombing Incident: An Analysis from an Islamic Perspective
Peristiwa Bom Bali, Salafi Jihadi, Jemaah Islamiyyah, bom bunuh diri, perspektif Islam, Bali Bombing incident, suicide bombing, Islamic perspectiveAbstract
Peristiwa Bom Bali yang berlaku pada tahun 12 Oktober 2002 di Bandar Kuta, Pulau Bali, Indonesia merupakan peristiwa terpenting membabitkan tindakan keganasan di rantau Asia Tenggara. Kajian ini menganalisis peristiwa Bom Bali menggunakan kaedah analisis kandungan berdasarkan buku Aku Melawan Teroris karangan Imam Samudra (2004), perancang utama serangan Bom Bali. Hasilnya, kajian ini mendapati dua perkara utama. Pertama, naratif jihad yang dibawa oleh Jemaah Islamiyyah berjaya mempengaruhi segolongan penganut Islam di Indonesia. Kedua, wujud perbezaan jelas berkaitan konsep jihad Jemaah Islamiyyah dengan ajaran Islam sebenar, khususnya tentang konflik di antara Islam dan bukan Islam, ayat seruan berjihad dan isu berkaitan dengan tindakan ‘Bom Bunuh Diri’.
The Bali Bombing incident, which occurred on October 12, 2002, at Kuta City in Bali Island, was one of the most prominent terrorist incidents that had happened in the Southeast Asian Region. This research analysed the Bali Bombing incident through a content analysis of the mastermind of Bali Bom incident, Imam Samudra’s book entitled Aku Melawan Teroris (2004). This research has discovered two findings. First, Jemaah Islamiyyah’s jihad narrative has been influential amongst Muslims in Indonesia. Second, there has been contrasting opinions between the narrative set forth by Jemaah Islamiyyah and the true Islamic teachings, particularly in the conflict between Muslims and non-Muslims, verses calling for jihad, and issues related to suicide bombing.
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