peace study, policy overseas, Indonesia, computer-aided methodsAbstract
This research discusses Indonesian National Security in handling entry of malware caused by the attack including cyber terrorism. Utilization Technology Increasing information and communication development has changed pattern groups certain to do actions that harm the media and cyberspace, it is known as cyber-terrorism. This research discusses cooperation between Indonesia and the EU in the field of cyber security and the emergence of cyber-terrorism in Indonesia. This research uses the theory of Cyber Terrorism and National Security from Ryan Cooper as a framework think. Besides that, this research uses method qualitative use studies literature with several sources related. The results of this study show that the European Union Convention on Cyber Terrorism as Regime International has proven to encourage Indonesia to make a constitution about security for Cyber terrorism as stated in Article 21 of the ITE Law. Cyberterrorism is qualified as a transnational Crime which refers to Article 3 of the United Nations Conventions against Transnational crime.
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