peacekeepers, women, conflict, Burundi, genderAbstract
Women can play a role in peacemaking and peacebuilding in real terms such as taking many actions, both in the political, social, and economic fields, including being involved in peace talks (negotiators), assisting the rehabilitation of child victims of armed conflict, bridging conflicting parties to discuss issues. However, the issue of peace and all efforts to make it happen are considered part of men's work. Thus, the role of women, in this case, is less significant. Women and children are the most victims when a conflict occurs. There are two characteristics of different views to be able to understand gender and conflict. The essentialist view is based on an ontology that states that the world is rule-governed, a construction view that is based on an ontology that states that an ever-changing world. The research method used in this study is a qualitative-descriptive approach. Data comes from various sources, such as obtaining the desired data through documentation studies and digital traces. This is an important force in peace, so women deserve to be called the agents of peace in its essence towards world security and peace. In the post-conflict recovery process in Burundi, women have an important and central role, namely as peacekeepers.
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