Sumber sejarah, perundangan antarabangsa, pemilikan Malaysia, Gugusan Semarang Peninjau (GSP), Laut China Selatan (LCS)., Historical sources, international law, Malaysian ownership, South China Sea (SCS).Abstract
Abstrak Malaysia secara rasminya telah menduduki beberapa fitur di Kepulauan Spratly selepas terbitnya Peta Baharu Malaysia 1979 berikutan daripada kedudukan Gugusan Semarang Peninjau (GSP) yang terletak dalam Zon Ekonomi Ekslusif (ZEE) dan sempadan Pelantar Benua Malaysia di Laut China Selatan (LCS). Bersandarkan kepada prinsip ini, beberapa kes pertikaian sebelumnya telah dibawa ke Mahkamah Keadilan Antarabangsa (ICJ) merujuk kepada pertikaian Pulau Sipadan-Ligitan (2002) dan Pulau Batu Puteh (2008) antara Malaysia, Indonesia dan Singapura. Keabsahan terhadap pemilikan GSP pula lebih dominan melibatkan konflik pertikaian di antara Malaysia, Vietnam dan China. Ironinya, Malaysia kemungkinan akan bersedia membawa penyelesaian konflik ini ke ICJ dalam masa terdekat atau beberapa dekad kemudian. Menyedari hakikat ini, kajian dalam makalah ini cuba menelusuri wacana sumber sejarah sebagai “supportive evidence” dalam pendudukan Malaysia di GSP, LCS melalui kaedah kepustakaan. Kaedah ini berteraskan disiplin sejarah dan analisa perdebatan mengenai sumber sejarah dalam perundangan antarabangsa berdasarkan hujah-hujah perspektif perundangan. Antara sumber primer yang digunakan adalah melalui laporan kes mahkamah ICJ, rekod Arkib Kebangsaan United Kingdom seperti Public Record Office (PRO) dan beberapa dokumen yang diperolehi dari Arkib Negara Malaysia (ANM) dan Arkib Negeri Sabah (ANS) serta beberapa sumber sekunder dalam bentuk artikel dan buku. Kajian mendapati bahawa, meskipun Malaysia bakal menggunakan asas International Law dalam pemilikan terhadap GSP, sumber sejarah boleh digunakan sebagai “supportive evidence” bagi mendukung prinsip kedaulatan wilayah terhadap GSP khususnya mengenai aktiviti bertaraf sejarah yang pernah dilakukan oleh British serta sebagai mekanisme kesiapsiagaan Malaysia menjawab persoalan atau asas sejarah kolonial yang bakal digunakan oleh negara penuntut yang lain.
Abstract Malaysia officially occupied several features in the Spratly Islands after the publication of the 1979 New Map of Malaysia following the position of the Gugusan Semarang Peninjau (GSP) located in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and the Malaysian Continental Shelf boundary in the South China Sea (SCS). Based on this principle, several previous dispute cases have been brought to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) referring to the disputes of Pulau Sipadan-Ligitan (2002) and Pulau Batu Puteh (2008) between Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore. The legitimacy of GSP ownership is more dominant involving disputes between Malaysia, Vietnam and China. Ironically, Malaysia is likely ready to bring the resolution of this conflict to the ICJ in the future or decades later. Recognizing this fact, the study in this paper attempts to trace the discourse of historical sources as "supportive evidence" in the GSP, SCS. This study is based on library research method rooted in the discipline of history and the analysis of debates on historical sources in international law based on the arguments of legal perspectives. Among the primary sources used are through ICJ court case reports, United Kingdom National Archives records such as the Public Record Office (PRO) and several documents obtained from the National Archives of Malaysia (ANM) and the Sabah State Archives (ANS). The study found that, although Malaysia will use the basis of International Law in its claim against GSP, historical sources can be used as "supportive evidence" to support the principle of territorial sovereignty over GSP, especially on historical activities done by the British and as a mechanism for Malaysia's readiness to answer questions or the basis of colonial history to be used by other claimant states.
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