Faktor Pemelukan Agama Islam: Kajian Terhadap Komuniti Saudara Muslim Cina di Negeri Terengganu


  • Azaruddin Awang
  • Khadijah Mohd Khambali @ Hambali




Terengganu , pemelukan agama , Saudara Muslim , Cina , Darul Hidayah, religious conversion , Newly Muslim , Chinese


Pemelukan agama Islam merupakan satu fenomena sosial yang sering berlaku dalam kehidupan masyarakat majmuk di Malaysia. Perihal yang sama terjadi dalam kehidupan komuniti minoriti Cina di negeri Terengganu. Hubungan etnik berbeza agama yang sekian lama terjalin sedikit banyak mendorong komuniti Cina memeluk agama Islam. Objektif kajian ini ialah melihat faktor yang mendorong kepada pemelukan agama Islam dalam kalangan masyarakat Cina yang membabitkan diri dalam kegiatan di Kompleks Darul Hidayah. Kajian deskriptif ini dilakukan menggunakan metodologi kualitatif, iaitu menerusi temu bual terhadap 20 orang Saudara Muslim Cina yang telah memeluk agama Islam di kompleks Darul Hidayah. Hasil kajian mendapati komuniti Cina Muslim di Kompleks ini memeluk agama Islam kerana faktor pergaulan dengan rakan Muslim, perkahwinan, kajian tentang Islam, mendapat hidayah dari Ilahi dan dorongan daripada keluarga yang telah memeluk agama Islam. Hasil dapatan berupaya membantu badan-badan dakwah dan masyarakat Muslim setempat agar peka terhadap isu-isu yang berlaku dalam kehidupan saudara Muslim pada tempoh sebelum dan selepas pemelukan agama Islam.


The conversion is the change of belief which is a social phenomenon that occurs in the multiethnic society of Malaysia. The same situation happens in the life of the Chinese community in Terengganu. The ethnic relationship within interreligious community that had existed for a long time influenced the Chinese community to convert to Islam. The objective of this study is to determine factors that lead to the conversion to Islam among the members of the Chinese community who are involved in activities at Darul Hidayah. This descriptive study used a qualitative method by interviewing 20 Chinese Muslim converts at the complex of Darul Hidayah. In addition, interviews were also conducted with three important figures who were directly involved in the welfare of the new Chinese converts in Terengganu. The study found that the contributing factors to the Chinese community conversion to Islam in Complex Darul Hidayah Islam are related with Muslim friends, marriage with a Muslim, research about Islam, divine guidance and encouragement from the family who have converted to Islam. The findings could help the missionary bodies and the local Muslim community to be more sensitive to the issues that occur in the life of Muslim Converts before and after conversion. 


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How to Cite

Awang, A., & Mohd Khambali @ Hambali, K. (2021). Faktor Pemelukan Agama Islam: Kajian Terhadap Komuniti Saudara Muslim Cina di Negeri Terengganu. MANU Jurnal Pusat Penataran Ilmu Dan Bahasa, 22. https://doi.org/10.51200/manu.v22i.8



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