Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Sekolah Islam Terpadu (SMP) Cordova Samarinda

Evaluation Implementation of Integrated Islamic School in Cordova Samarinda


  • Zaenab Hanim Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Mularwarman
  • Abdul Wahab Syahrani Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Mularwarman
  • Rahmat Soe, Oed Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Mularwarman


evaluasi kualitatif, Proses evaluasi, konteks evaluasi, pelaksanaan, qualitative evaluation, evaluation process, evaluation contexts, implementation


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pelaksanaan Sekolah Islam Terpadu di SMP IT Cordova Samarinda berkaitan dengan: (1) mengungkapkan konteks pelaksanaan SMPIT Cordova, (2) mengungkapkan input pelaksanaan SMPIT Cordova, mengungkapkan konteks pelaksanaan SMPIT Cordova, (3) mengungkapkan proses pelaksanaan SMPIT Cordova, dan (4) prodiuk pelaksanaan SMPIT Cordova, serta kendala yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaannya. Pendekatan penelitian adalah kualitatif dengan jenis deskriptif-evaluatif yang menggunakan model evaluasi “context, input, process, and product†(CIPP). Sumber data terdiri dari siswa, orangtua siswa, guru dan yayasan/penyelenggara. Data diambil melalui temuramah mendalam, pengamatan, dan dokumentasi, dianalisis secara deskriptifkualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari sisi evaluasi konteks ditemui peran yayasan sudah berjalan lancar, namun aspek peran masyarakat terutama orang tua siswa masih memerlukan peningkatan komunikasi dari dari pihak sekolah dan peran orangtua siswa dilibatkan dalam penyelenggaraan Sekolah Islam Terpadu. Berkaitan dengan evaluasi input pada rektutmen siswa baru, orangtua siswa menyampaikan persyaratan utama agar memperhatikan kematangan usia anak dan penerimaan guru sesuai dengan disiplin ilmu dan profesinya. Untuk evaluasi proses pelaksanaan, didapati kemiripan pandangan pihak yayasan, guru, dan siswa menyatakan peningkatan kompetensi guru dalam penggunaan strategi pembelajaran dan mereka terus dibina melalui pelatihan peningkatan kompetensi
pedagogik. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan dari semua informan menyatakan kepuasan mereka dalam segi prestasi akademik siswa sebagai dampak dari proses pelaksanaan SMPIT yang menunjukkan bahwa kelulusan siswa mencapai 100% dalam ujian nasional dan kemampuan menghafal Al Qur’an dengan baik.


This study is an evaluation study with a qualitative approach. The model used in this study is the CIPP (context, input, process, and product). The data is retrieved through questionnaires, interviews, and observations. The information is obtained from students, parents, teachers, and foundations/organizers. The data analysis technique used is analysis of the qualitative evaluation. The results of this study demonstrate the evaluation context. The four informants said that the role of the foundation is already running. In the aspect of the role of the community, students expressed the need for improved communication between the schools with the surrounding community. Regarding to the role of parents, the parents expressed the need to increase the role of parents in the implementation of the Integrated Islamic School in Cordova SMPIT Samarinda. For the evaluation of inputs, the acceptance of the input of students and parents of students convey that primary
requirement is the age of maturity. In addition, parents said that, for the input of teachers, school authorities need to consider the qualifications of the teaching field. For input on funds, students said that they are less familiar with the problem of funding. For the evaluation process, the ability of teachers to explain the lesson
well enough. Similarity of views on this subject is submitted by the foundation, teachers, and students. While the views of teachers and parents about the clarity of teaching methods, informants expressed the need for improved quality through teacher training. The last four informants expressed their satisfaction about the
improvement of academic achievement in the implementation of the Integrated Islamic School in Cordova SMPIT Samarinda. In the evaluation of a product, the graduate students pass 100%. In the ability to read the Qur’an, graduate students of SMPIT Cordova Samarinda are able to read and memorize the Qur’an properly.
The students were able to complete at least 1 juz of the Qur’an and hit the target 2 juz of the Qur’an. The constraints in the implementation of the Integrated Islamic School in Cordova SMPIT are the conditions, the teachers are relatively new and still young, and the funding and land are cramped.



How to Cite

Hanim, Z., Wahab Syahrani, A., & Soe, Oed, R. (2019). Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Sekolah Islam Terpadu (SMP) Cordova Samarinda: Evaluation Implementation of Integrated Islamic School in Cordova Samarinda. Borneo International Journal of Education (BIJE), 1. Retrieved from https://jurcon.ums.edu.my/ojums/index.php/bije/article/view/1775
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