Inflation Rate and COVID-19: A Bibliometric Analysis Using R


  • Siti Asmah Juhan Universiti Malaysia Sabah
  • Suddin Lada
  • Mat Salleh @ Salleh Wahab Universiti Malaysia Sabah
  • Faerozh Madli Universiti Malaysia Sabah



Inflation rate, COVID-19, bibliometric analysis


This research intends to investigate the connection between the inflation rate and COVID-19 through a literature review and bibliometric analysis. The research set out to rigorously document the author's and source's relevance by cataloging their theoretical framework, total output, and emerging knowledge trends. Information is gathered and analysed using Microsoft Excel and R Studio from Scopus databases. Based on a large body of literature, we compiled a searchable database of the 205 most pertinent documents and papers over the last three years. According to preliminary statistics, there was a rise in the number of studieson the inflation rate and COVID-19 between 2020 and 2022. The most significant journals, authors, documents and papers on the subject are identified using bibliometric analysis using R. By combining the most important aspects of the inflation rate and COVID-19 into a single idea, this study shows how a new research topic can be developed, establishing new study avenues in the vast subject of the inflation rate as well as the recently developed and fiercely fought topic of COVID-19.


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How to Cite

Juhan, S. A. ., Lada, S., Wahab, M. S. @ S. ., & Madli, F. (2023). Inflation Rate and COVID-19: A Bibliometric Analysis Using R . Journal of the Asian Academy of Applied Business (JAAAB), 8, 1–22.
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