Traditional Transportation System in North Borneo before the 19th Century


  • JUVIANA JIMA Program Sejarah, Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah



Borneo Utara, sistem pengangkutan tradisional, ekonomi, sosial sistem perhubungan, North Borneo, traditional transportation system, economic, social, communication system


Perkembangan sistem pengangkutan dan perhubungan di Borneo Utara dipengaruhi oleh kegiatan ekonomi masyarakat setempat sama ada dari segi perdagangan, pemungutan hasil hutan, laut, dan pertanian. Sistem pengangkutan di Borneo Utara sangat penting untuk pembangunan ekonomi rakyatnya. Keadaan ini mendorong masyarakat tempatan untuk membina sistem pengangkutan mereka sendiri untuk tujuan kelangsungan aktiviti ekonomi harian mereka. Objektif makalah ini adalah untuk menganalisis sejarah sistem pengangkutan tradisional di Borneo Utara sebelum abad ke-19. Kajian ini berdasarkan sumber utama seperti dokumen, surat khabar dan sumber sekunder. Makalah ini mendapati bahawa pengangkutan tradisional di Borneo Utara sebelum abad ke-19 terbahagi kepada dua, iaitu pengangkutan darat dan air. Setelah SBBU menjajah Borneo Utara mereka menukar sistem pengangkutan tradisional kepada sistem pengangkutan moden seperti kereta api, rangkaian jalan raya dan
juga kapal wap. Usaha ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk mempercepat pembangunan ekonomi di Borneo Utara.


The development of the transportation and communication system in North Borneo was influenced by the economic activities of the local community in terms of trade, harvesting of forest products, sea and agriculture. The transportation system in North Borneo is very important for the economic development of its people. This situation encourages local communities to build their own transportation system for the purpose of continuing their daily economic activities. The objective of this paper is to analyze the history of the traditional transportation system in North Borneo before the 19th century. This study is based on primary sources, such as documents, newspapers and secondary sources. This paper finds that traditional transportation in North Borneo before the 19th century was divided into two, namely land and water transport. After SBBU colonized North Borneo they changed the traditional transportation system to modern transportation systems such as trains, road networks and even steamships. These efforts are being made to accelerate economic development in North Borneo.


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How to Cite

JIMA, J. 2020. SISTEM PENGANGKUTAN TRADISIONAL DI BORNEO UTARA SEBELUM ABAD KE-19: Traditional Transportation System in North Borneo before the 19th Century. Jurnal Borneo Arkhailogia (Heritage, Archaeology and History). 5, 1 (Dec. 2020). DOI:
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