Migrational Histories, Expansion, Iban Kua, Samarahan, BrookeAbstract
Iban Kua’ or formally known as the Sebuyau Dayak mostly settled in western Sarawak comprising few districts and sub-districts such as Samarahan, Asajaya, Sebuyau, Lundu and Kuching. The word ‘Sebuyau’ refers to a place where they are originally coming from. Little is known or written about the history of an Iban group that called themselves Iban Kua’ in the Samarahan District of Sarawak. More often than not the Iban Kua’ were mentioned in passing in Sarawak’s oral and written history. But like other ethnic groups in Sarawak, Iban Kua’ also has their own migrational histories. This article presents the narratives and collective memories regarding the origin and expansion of the Iban Kua’ in Samarahan District, Sarawak. Their migration can be traced back to the sixteenth century to areas such as along Batang Ai, Batang Lupar, Batang Sadong and Sungai Kuap. Their ancestors then moved to the Samarahan District. The time span for the migration process lasted for a few generations before they finally settled at Samarahan District. Their ancestors then moved to the Samarahan District. Their presence was acknowledged by the Brooke’s administration. Later they spread to other parts of Samarahan District. Today, there are a total of 14 Iban Kua’ villages to be found in Samarahan District.
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