Artifacts, Borneo, culture, human, Iban, SarawakAbstract
Iban or also known as Sea Dayak has inhabited the island of Borneo for hundreds of years. From the previous timeline, the Iban community has adapted to their surrounding nature in developing their culture which is consisted of customs based on the foundation of ancestral beliefs. As a result, the development of Iban culture became more creative and innovative in producing cultural artifacts referring on surrounding nature. Incidentally, the cultural developed by the early Iban have become a legacy and identity for the modern Iban society today. Therefore, this paper is an ethnographic studies emphasis on human artifacts. Therefore, the scope of this studies discussed the researcher's proposed theory of the role of nature that has contribute to shaped human cultural artifacts, particularly the Iban cultural artifacts. This study applied qualitative methods and the research findings have concluded that nature have a significant function as a driving force to influenced early human culture and experience changes based on relevance and human preferences.
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