The History of Medical and Health Services in North Borneo from 1881 until 1914





perkhidmatan, perubatan, kesihatan, British, Borneo Utara, services, medical, health, North Borneo


Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menilai perkembangan perkhidmatan perubatan dan kesihatan di Borneo Utara bermula selepas penyerahan Borneo Utara kepada British pada tahun 1881 sehingga penubuhan dispensari pertama di Borneo Utara pada tahun 1914. Sebelum kedatangan British ke Borneo Utara, perkhidmatan perubatan dan kesihatan moden di Borneo Utara masih belum wujud. Masyarakat tempatan secara majoritinya hanya bergantung kepada bantuan perubatan tradisional bagi mengatasi sebarang penyakit. Selepas kedatangan British, pihak mereka telah membina hospital dan dispensari bagi kegunaan pegawai British dan pekerja buruh mereka. Namun begitu, kekurangan kepakaran dalam mengubati penyakit berjangkit telah menyebabkan ia semakin merebak di Borneo Utara. Maka, pihak British bertindak menstrukturkan semula pentabiran kesihatan dan membina lebih banyak hospital dan dispensari bagi mengatasi isu kesihatan yang timbul dan mengelakkan kekurangan buruh. Kajian ini akan menilai perkembangan perkhidmatan perubatan dan kesihatan dari tahun 1881 sehingga 1914 dengan memfokuskan kepada tiga objektif utama. Objektif pertama akan mengenal pasti isu kesihatan yang timbul di Borneo Utara, manakala objektif kedua akan mengkaji perkhidmatan perubatan dan kesihatan yang disediakan oleh SBUB. Objektif ketiga pula akan membincangkan ordinan perubatan dan kesihatan yang telah digubal oleh pihak SBUB. Kajian ini telah disempurnakan menggunakan kaedah kepustakaan dan arkib.


This article aims to evaluate the development of medicine and health services in North Borneo starting after the concession of North Borneo to the British North Borneo Company in 1881 until the establishment of the first dispensary in North Borneo in 1914. Before the British North Borneo Company came to North Borneo, modern medical and health services in North Borneo still did not yet exist. The majority of the local community only relies on traditional medicine to overcome any diseases. After the arrival of the British North Borneo Company at North Borneo, they built hospitals and dispensaries for the use of British officers and labourers. However, the lack of expertise in treating infectious disease has caused it to spread in North Borneo. So with that, the British acted to restructure the health administration and build more hospitals and dispensaries to address the health issues that arose and avoid labor shortages. Within this framework, this study will evaluate the development of medical and health services from 1881 to 1914 by focusing on three main objectives. The first objective will identify health issues arising in North Borneo. Whereas the second objective will study the medical and health services provided by BNBC. The third objective will discuss the Medical and Health Ordinance that BNBC has enacted. This study was completed using library and archival methods.


Author Biographies


Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan, 

Jalan UMS, Universiti Malaysia Sabah

88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.


Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan,

Jalan UMS, Universiti Malaysia Sabah,

88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.


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How to Cite

NUR FARDHA AYU JUSNIH and ZAINUDDIN BACO 2022. SEJARAH PERKHIDMATAN PERUBATAN DAN KESIHATAN DI BORNEO UTARA DARI TAHUN 1881 HINGGA 1914: The History of Medical and Health Services in North Borneo from 1881 until 1914. Jurnal Borneo Arkhailogia (Heritage, Archaeology and History). 7, 1 (Dec. 2022), 189–202. DOI:
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