A Needs Analysis Study in Developing Quantum Physics Instructional Module for Secondary School With an Integrated Stem Education Approach


  • Laurah Markus


instructional module, needs analysis, secondary school, STEM education, quantum physics


Effective instructional strategies have been highlighted in teaching Quantum physics (QP) since this topic is theoretically complex and different from classical physics. In addressing this issue, a needs analysis (NA) was carried out to identify the anticipated challenges in QP learning and facilitation (L&F) and the integration of STEM education in a physics classroom. This research is a qualitative study where a semi-structured interview was conducted with two experts in physics education and two physics teachers selected under a purposive sampling approach. The interview was one-on-one through online platforms, held during the Covid-19 pandemic’s
mobility control order (MCO). The data from the semi-structured interview was analysed using thematic analysis, and the findings were presented as thematic maps.Two major themes emerged from the thematic analysis: 1) the expectation in QP L&F based on experts’ and teachers’ views and 2) the discrepancies in SSQP-STEM L&F gathered from the teachers’ opinions and perspectives. The first theme denotes 1.1) teachers’ professional development, 1.2) pedagogical content knowledge, 1.3) instructional strategy, and 1.4) QP L&F resources. The second theme describes the discrepancies of SSQP-STEM L&F in terms of 2.1) QP nature, 2.2) insufficiency of resources in QP L&F, and 2.3) teachers’ perceptions of students’ characteristics in the physics classroom, and 2.4) the teachers’ competencies issues in teaching QP. Overall, the finding shows that a practical instructional module needs to be developed to cater to the physics teachers’ demands.

Author Biography

Laurah Markus

Universiti Malaysia Sabah,



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How to Cite

Laurah Markus. (2022). A Needs Analysis Study in Developing Quantum Physics Instructional Module for Secondary School With an Integrated Stem Education Approach. Borneo International Journal of Education (BIJE), 2, 69–84. Retrieved from https://jurcon.ums.edu.my/ojums/index.php/bije/article/view/4113
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