Journal of Smart Farming and Food Security
Journal of Smart Farming and Food Security (JSFFS) is an open-access journal, published bi-annually, on all aspects of research related to agriculture.
In addition, the journal JSFFS provides a platform to publish and share new findings of high-impact research involving the fields of study listed above in:
- Original research paper
- Short communication
- Review paper
The articles submitted to the journal must be written in English language.
Tropical Forestry
Tropical Forestry fosters global dialogue among academicians, researchers, practitioners, and policymakers, publishing peer-reviewed articles that contribute to the sustainable development of tropical forests. The journal addresses biological, environmental, economic, and social aspects of tropical forestry, covering topics such as agroforestry, forest ecology, hydrology, economics, GIS and remote sensing, taxonomy, wildlife, urban forestry, and wood science. It accepts review articles, research articles, short communications, and industry papers. All content is published online as open access.
Borneo Journal of Medical Sciences (BJMS)
Borneo Journal of Medical Sciences (BJMS) is an internationally disseminated biomedical publication that provides scientific media for communication research worldwide. The Journal welcomes manuscripts on basic and clinical research on medical and health-related issues and publishes original research articles, review articles, case reports, concept papers, short communications, and clinical quizzes.
Asian Myrmecology (AM)
ASIAN MYRMECOLOGY is a peer-reviewed, journal dedicated to the study of Asian ants. Articles are published continuously, immediately upon final acceptance. Asian Myrmecology publishes original research papers on ants in or from Asia, or with regional or global importance. All areas of modern ant research are covered, including Taxonomy, Biogeography, Ecology, Behaviour, Life-history, Ethology, Genetics, Conservation evaluation, and Applied myrmecology.
ASIAN MYRMECOLOGY is listed at ISI Web of Knowledge, CAB ABSTRACTS, SCOPUS and in OVID PS (Biological Abstracts) issued by Wolters Kluver.
ISI Impact factor 2017 is 0.724. 5 years IF = 0.847.
Jurnal Gendang Alam (GA)
Jurnal Gendang Alam mempunyai visi untuk menjadi sebuah Jurnal Akademik yang berimpak tinggi dalam dunia akademik dengan mengetengahkan bidang seni sebagai bidang utama, termasuk aspek seni visual, busana, kraf tangan, teknologi multimedia, penulisan kreatif, sastera dan seni persembahan yang mencakupi bidang tari, teater dan muzik. Jurnal Gendang Alam juga mementingkan kualiti penulisan dengan memastikan setiap artikel melalui proses peer-reviewer dan akan membuat penerbitan dua kali setahun dibawah Akademi Seni dan Teknologi Kreatif (ASTiF), Universiti Malaysia Sabah.
ISSN: 2180-1738 / e-ISSN: 2600-8661
Jurnal Maritim Asia Tenggara or Journal of Southeast Asia Maritime (JMAT) was officially established on 1 August 2024, coinciding with the appointment of its first Editor-in-Chief. This journal is managed and published by the Blue Economy and Maritime Security Research Centre, housed within the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities at Universiti Malaysia Sabah. The establishment of this journal serves five primary objectives: (1) To create a scientific journal that focuses on maritime studies and marine affairs, (2) To facilitate the dissemination of research and writings by academics in related fields in the form of a peer-reviewed journal, (3) To position the journal as a key reference for academics conducting research in maritime and marine studies, (4) To serve as a platform for knowledge exchange between domestic and international scholars, and (5) To foster collaboration with universities and agencies engaged in maritime and marine-related disciplines in the co-publication of journals.
MANU Jurnal Pusat Penataran Ilmu dan Bahasa
MANU is published annually in June and December by the Centre for the Promotion of Knowledge and Language Learning, Universiti Malaysia Sabah. With its inaugural issue printed in 1998, the Journal witnessed the publication of Volume 34 in 2023. MANU invites the submission of articles and book reviews in academic disciplines related to Humanities, such as Modern Languages, Literature, History, Philosophy, Religion, Visual and Performing Arts, Communication Studies, and Cultural Studies. We particularly welcome manuscripts that focus on Malaysia and Southeast Asia issues. Only manuscripts written either in Bahasa Melayu or the English Language will be considered for publication. MANU is indexed by the Malaysian Citation Index (MYCITE). MANU is also aiming to be indexed in SCOPUS in the near future.
ISSN: 1511-1989 / e-ISSN: 2590-4086
Malaysian Journal of Business and Economics (MJBE)
The Malaysian Journal of Business and Economics (MJBE) is an open-access journal. The MJBE is intended as a primary publication for theoretical and empirical research or modeling in all areas of business and economics.
Journal of Tropical Biology & Conservation (JTBC)
The Journal of Tropical Biology and Conservation (JTBC) is a free, open-access, international, peer-reviewed journal published by the Institute for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ITBC), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS). This journal publishes two main categories of papers: (1) full-length research articles or reviews; and (2) short notes or communications. The JTBC is devoted to the publication of research in all fields that are of general relevance to tropical biology and conservation particularly in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo, and other tropical regions in Southeast Asia and elsewhere. ...more.
Jurnal Kinabalu
Jurnal Kinabalu is a multi-discipline peer-reviewed journal by the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universiti Malaysia Sabah. We welcome manuscripts, in Bahasa Malaysia and English in the area of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities. Contributions are in the form of articles or book reviews. We consider that the manuscript submitted to Jurnal Kinabalu has never been published previously or not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Please feel free to contact us by email if you need any further information.
Jurnal Borneo Arkhailogia (Heritage, Archaeology and History)
The Jurnal Borneo Arkhailogia (JBA) is the journal of the Borneo Archaeological Research Unit (UPArk). Founded in 2016, and published its first issue in 2017. The scope of the JBA is the fields of archaeology heritage management, classical history and oral history which focuses on the area of Borneo and its adjacent islands, from ancient times to the more
Jurnal Komunikasi Borneo (JKoB)
Jurnal Komunikasi Borneo diterbitkan sekali setahun oleh Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan, Universiti Malaysia Sabah. Artikel-artikel yang dimuatkan dalam jurnal ini merupakan diskusi yang berkaitan dengan falsafah, teori dan interpretasi dalam bidang komunikasi serta bidang-bidang lain yang relevan pada masa kini. Jurnal ini bertujuan sebagai wadah utama dalam perkongsian hasil penyelidikan dalam bidang komunikasi dan bidang-bidang yang lain di antara penyelidik Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) dan penyelidik dari universiti luar serta mana-mana institusi penyelidikan. Selain itu, jurnal ini boleh dijadikan sebagai alternatif rujukan terbaik kepada pelajar institusi pengajian tinggi awam mahupun swasta dan pengkaji dari dalam dan luar negara untuk membuat rujukan yang berkaitan dalam pelbagai bidang khususnya komunikasi. Hanya manuskrip dalam Bahasa Melayu atau Bahasa Inggeris akan dipertimbang untuk diterbitkan.
Borneo Epidemiology Journal
There is an increasing demand for an exclusive journal to publish epidemiological studies. This journal is a fully open journal for the rapidly growing epidemiological studies. Authors will be given a new platform to showcase their work while maintaining standards and quality by being managed by respectable editors and reviewers who are matter experts in their field. This journal focuses on public health epidemiology.
BEJ will be devoted to the contribution covering applied, methodological and theoretical issues. The journal aims to improve epidemiological knowledge and ultimately health worldwide. Contributors include other disciplines that integrate epidemiology in their research including biostatistics, communicable diseases, non-communicable diseases, tropical diseases, environmental epidemiology, occupational health, rural health, health promotion, clinical epidemiology, public health policy and management.
Journal of Borneo Social Transformation Studies
The Journal of Borneo Social Transformation Studies (JOBSTS) is an annual, peer-reviewed, and multidisciplinary research journal of social sciences and humanities will be INDEXED BY MyJOURNAL. This journal is jointly published by the Borneo Institute for Indigenous Studies (BorIIS) and Universiti Malaysia Sabah Press.
Borneo International Journal of Biotechnology (BIJB)
The journal aims to offer a platform for the presentation of scientific knowledge about the discovery of novel biological phenomena and their potential applications within a biotechnological context. The scope of the journal encompasses molecular biology and the application of molecular phenomena associated with nucleic acids and genomics, transcriptome, proteomics, and metabolomics.
Borneo Science | The Journal of Science and Technology
Borneo Science is a peer-reviewed international journal and open access, published biannually by the Faculty of Science and Natural Resources (FSSA) (formerly known as School of Science and Technology, SST), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) since December 1995. The Journal covers original research and review papers in the field of Earth Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Applied Sciences and Technology, Material Sciences, Biological Sciences and Environmental Sciences.
Jurnal Pemikir Pendidikan
Journal of Educational Thinkers is the official journal of the Faculty of Psychology and Education, Universiti Malaysia Sabah. The abbreviation for the Journal of Educational Thinkers (Jurnal Pemikir Pendidikan) is EduThinkers. Jurnal Pemikir Pendidikan (Journal of Educational Thinkers) is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to the publication of original papers, serves as a forum for practical approaches to improving quality in issues pertaining to education and its related fields. Journal of Educational Thinkers aimed to develop as a journal with a focus on emerging issues pertaining to education. The journal is published in English or Bahasa Melayu (Malay language) and it is open to authors around the world regardless of their nationality.
Labuan Bulletin of International Business and Finance (LBIBF)
Labuan Bulletin of International Business & Finance (LBIBf) offers platform for researchers and practitioners to share their findings and analytical views on issues relevant to international business and finance, both in their general and specific contexts. We welcome submission of original articles pertaining to business, banking, finance, marketing, management, economics, information technology, e-commerce, law and other topics that related to phenomenon of international business and finance.
Labuan Bulletin of International Business and Finance (LBIBf) is indexed and abstracted in:
Borneo International Journal of Education (BIJE)
Borneo International Journal of Education (BIJE) focuses on research in teaching and learning at all levels of education: Pre-school, primary, secondary, tertiary as well as continuous lifelong learning. Areas of interest include though not exclusively, inter alia, Education Management, Language Education, Science Education, Rural Education, Environmental Education, Early Childhood Education, Physical and Health Education, Innovation in teaching and learning, Assessment and evaluation and culture of learning. Articles can be written either in English, Malay or Indonesian languages.
Journal of the Asian Academy of Applied Business (JAAAB)
The Journal of the Asian Academy of Applied Business (JAAAB) is a refereed academic journal jointly published by the Asian Academy of Applied Business (AAAB) and Universiti Malaysia Sabah. AAAB is a non-profit, academic-based association which focuses on research and development activities, particularly in the areas of business, economics and management.
Journal of BIMP-EAGA Regional Development
The journal main goal is to provide platform for knowledge dissemination on regional development issues in the BIMP-EAGA (Brunei-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area) region. It provides a forum for researchers in various areas and fields of expertise to publish their research findings, research report, reviews and any outcome related to the BIMP-EAGA regions from academic discourse avenues such as conferences, seminars and workshops especially those organised by Borneo Tourism Research Center (BTRC), Faculty of Business, Economics and Accountancy, Universiti Malaysia Sabah. The journal aims to be the leading data bank and point of reference that enrich the publications for the BIMP-EAGA region and published by Borneo Tourism Research Center (BTRC), Faculty of Business, Economics and Accountancy, Universiti Malaysia Sabah.
The paper accepted in this journal will be publish online first in the current issue.
ISSN: 2232-1055The journal is currently indexed in MyJurnal, i-journal and i-Focus.
BIMP-EAGA Journal for Sustainable Tourism Development
The journal main goal is to provide a platform for knowledge dissemination on sustainable tourism development issues in the BIMP-EAGA (Brunei-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area) region. It provides a forum for researchers in various areas and fields of expertise to publish their research findings, research report, reviews and any outcome related to the BIMP-EAGA regions from academic discourse avenues such as conferences, seminars and workshops especially those organised by Borneo Tourism Research Centre (BTRC), Faculty of Business, Economics & Accountancy (FBEA), & Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS). The journal aims to be the leading data bank and point of reference that enrich the publications for the BIMP-EAGA region and published by Borneo Tourism Research Centre (BTRC), Faculty of Business, Economics & Accountancy (FBEA), & Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS).....
Paper accepted in this journal will be publish online first in the current issue.
The journal is currently indexed in CIRET, MyJurnal, i-Journals and i-Focus.
ISSN No: 2232-1063 Barcode No: 9772232106003 -
Borneo Journal of Marine Science and Aquaculture (BJoMSA)
Borneo Journal of Marine Science and Aquaculture (BJoMSA) is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research contributions to marine science, fisheries and aquaculture.
ISSN 2600-8882 | EISSN 2600-8637
Journal of Southeast Asia Psychology (SAPJ)
Southeast Asia Psychology Journal (SAPJ) aims to obtain and publish high quality original research, integrated reviews of the literature, case studies and commentaries that are associated with the theory research and professional practice of Psychology and its allied disciplines. It is my personal as well as the joint goal of the Board of Editors/ Associate Editors to seek original contributions of a conceptual, empirical, or historical nature. The Editors welcome pertinent contributions from all fields and sub-disciplines of Psychology.
The jounal is currently indexed in MyJurnal and Mycite.
ISSN: 2289-1870/ e-ISSN: 2710-544X
Jurnal Psikologi dan Kesihatan Sosial
Jurnal Psikologi dan Kesihatan Sosial (JPKS) merupakan jurnal yang merangkumi dua disiplin ilmu iaitu psikologi dan kesihatan sosial. Jurnal ini diterbitkan sekali setahun iaitu pada bulan Disember tahun penerbitan. Bilangan terbitan jurnal iaitu sekali setahun merupakan kriteria minimum yang telah ditetapkan oleh Malaysian Citation Index (MyCites). Manuskrip diterbitkan dalam bahasa Melayu atau Inggeris. JPKS kini tersenarai dalam Indeks MyJurnal.
eISSN: 2600-7819
Labuan e-Journal of Muamalat and Society (LJMS)
Labuan e-Journal of Muamalat and Society [LJMS] is concerned with all aspects of the business, economics and society and is intended to provide valuable forum for the exchange of the latest research ideas and practice. As a necessary corollary to this, the journal covers a broad scope of discipline areas, including banking, economics, finance, ICT, Islamic banking, marketing, management, and other related areas.
Malaysian Economic Review
Malaysian Economic Review (MER) is an academic journal that is affiliated with the Center for Economic and Policy Development (CEPD) at the Faculty of Business, Economics, and Accounting (FPEP). MER is dedicated to publishing scholarly articles related to economics and serves as a forum for academic discourse and knowledge sharing as well as facilitates collaboration and joint publications among local and international scholars. In addition, MER offers a platform for researchers, academics, graduate students, and government agencies to disseminate their economic research findings, which could provide valuable input for policy recommendations.
Journal of Sustainable Engineering (SUSTEN)
The Journal of Sustainable Engineering (SUSTEN) is an open-access, peer-reviewed publication focusing on three main clusters: Materials and energy, Environmental and process control and Computational intelligence.
The journal aims to address interdisciplinary challenges and provide solutions in sustainable engineering that are essential worldwide. It reports on groundbreaking discoveries related to methodologies, innovations, and solutions in applied sciences. The journal highlights the critical role of applied science in sustainable development and aims to bridge the gap between technology, applied science, and sustainable engineering to enhance conceptual ideas in these fields.
Type of article: Original research papers and review articles
Publication frequency: Biannual (May and October)
Publisher: Penerbit UMS
International Journal on Machine Intelligence and Computing
The International Journal on Machine Intelligence and Computing (IJMIC) is an international peer-reviewed publication that focuses on the emerging areas of machine intelligence and computing including the overarching impact of technologies on all aspects of our lives at the societal level.
Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Turath Antara - Bidang
The journal is particularly interested in the study of Islam and interdisciplinary heritage, including Islamic teachings, comparative religion, discussions on turath in the Islamic tradition, and research on interdisciplinary fields that benefit Muslim society. The term "interdisciplinary" is applied to emphasise the broad range of topics covered in this journal, which extends beyond Islamic religious matters across historical and cultural settings.
This journal, administered by the Faculty of Islamic Studies (FIS) and published by Penerbit UMS, recognises any intellectual works and research findings in various formats, including research papers, concept papers, case reports, letters to editors, etc.
International Journal of Food
International Journal of Food (IJF) is a peer-reviewed open-access journal. There is no publication fee. IJF provides a platform for academics to disseminate their profound research expertise and findings within the scope of food safety and processing, food biotechnology, food properties and sensory analysis, nutritional science and health, food science, as well as food service and nutrition. IJF accepts full-length original, short communication, and review articles. IJF is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution License CCBY4.0.
e-ISSN: 3030-5292