About the Journal
Journal of Educational Thinkers is the official journal of the Faculty of Psychology and Education, Universiti Malaysia Sabah. The abbreviation for the Journal of Educational Thinkers (Jurnal Pemikir Pendidikan) is EduThinkers. Jurnal Pemikir Pendidikan (Journal of Educational Thinkers) is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to the publication of original papers, serves as a forum for practical approaches to improving quality in issues pertaining to education and its related fields. Journal of Educational Thinkers aimed to develop as a journal with a focus on emerging issues pertaining to education. The journal is published in English or Bahasa Melayu (Malay language) and it is open to authors around the world regardless of their nationality.
Current Issue
Vol. 12 No. 1 (2024): Memperkasakan Pendidikan Pada Abad ke-21
Cabaran dalam Pengurusan Kewangan Sekolah Menengah
- JPP_V12_01_M01
Total Views: 900 |
Total Downloads: 1051
Kesan Pembelajaran Berasaskan Masalah Berbantukan Peta Pemikiran Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Mata Pelajaran Ekonomi
- JPP_V12_01_M02
Total Views: 624 |
Total Downloads: 807
Kesahan dan Kebolehpercayaan Instrumen Kebimbangan Matematik Sekolah Rendah
- JPP_V12_01_M03
Total Views: 383 |
Total Downloads: 360
Penerimaan Guru Pelatih Terhadap Penggunaan Realiti Berperantara (AR) dalam Pendidikan Prasekolah
- JPP_V12_01_M04
Total Views: 266 |
Total Downloads: 304
Mengintegrasikan Bioteknologi ke dalam Pendidikan Sejarah: Meningkatkan Kefahaman dan Penglibatan
- JPP_V12_01_M05
Total Views: 268 |
Total Downloads: 328
Cabaran Pembantu Tadbir Kewangan dalam Pengurusan Kewangan Sekolah
- JPP_V12_01_M06
Total Views: 773 |
Total Downloads: 817
Rangsangan Kemahiran Motor Halus dan Kognitif Murid Prasekolah Menggunakan Playdough
- JPP_V12_01_M07
Total Views: 1532 |
Total Downloads: 1227
Model Inkuiri 5E Dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Melayu
- JPP_V12_01_M08
Total Views: 918 |
Total Downloads: 1173